Finding Common Ground for Citizen Empowerment in the Smart City
Kelleher, John D.
Kerr, Aphra
Corporate smart city initiatives are just one example of the contemporary culture of surveillance. They rely on extensive information gathering systems and Big Data analysis to predict citizen behaviour and optimise cit y services. In this paper we argue that many smart city and social media technologies result in a paradox whereby digital inclusion for the purposes of service provision also results in marginalisation and disempowerment of citizens. Drawing upon insights garnered from a digital inclusion workshop conducted in the Galapagos islands, we propose that critically and creatively unpacking the computational techniques embedded in data services is needed as a first step if we are to reimagine neganthropic , sustain able and empowering data services for inhabitants in diverse localities. We propose a therapeutic inspired by the concept of ‘common ground’ from communication theory. Common ground presupposes a symmetry of purpose, shared values and accessible participat ion processes. When common ground is deployed in the smart city context it prompts us to reimagine data services as an ongoing dialogue between peers, to rethink citizen participation in terms of capabilities and empowerment, and to focus on clear lines of accountability and equality of citizen outcomes
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
John D. Kelleher, Aphra Kerr, "Finding Common Ground for Citizen Empowerment in the Smart City" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2020) XXII/2", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2020, pp. 33-61
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