Sintiendo a los datos: el dato como medio corporal
Cagigal, Pedro
This article looks into the possibilities of a body assembled with data, understanding digital data as a new medium: a medium that is part and parcel of digital media. It is a medium of the body that uses the pleasure principle of gaming and its belief system towards a competitive biopolitical improvement of the neoliberal self. But at the same time, as a medium, it is a space for disputing meanings, where art plays a privileged role into looking for new purposes and sensorial ways to use the data. The expansion of data is compared with that of photography in order to identify belief mechanisms regarding these media as scientific truth, trace and spectrum. Data as a medium is characterized by being ma ssive, containing diverse temporalities and, ideologically, defining the present to direct potential futures. We examine examples from the art field that open up possibilities for sensitive knowledges to understand and embody the data.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Pedro Cagigal, "Sintiendo a los datos: el dato como medio corporal" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2020) XXII/2", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2020, pp. 89-103
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