Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2020) XXII/3

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Monographica I.

Crosato Carlo

Politics Is an Ontological Issue

Watkin William

A Mathematised Archeology of Ontology. Agamben’s Modal Ontology Mapped onto Badiou’s Mathematised Ontology

Bonacci Valeria

‘State of Exception’ or ‘Threshold of Indiscernibility’? A Study on the Beginnings of Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer Project

Salzani Carlo

Outside of Being: Agamben’s Potential Beyond Anthropocentrism

Lagaay Alice, Rauch Malte Fabian

Scenes of Indifference. The Addressee of the Adventure

Lemm Vanessa

L’opera d’arte e la morte di Dio. Nietzsche e Agamben

Crosato Carlo

Costituzione estetica o destituzione estatica. Oltre la nozione moderna di soggetto mediante l’esperienza del linguaggio. Foucault e Agamben

Mcloughlin Daniel

Sacrifice and Desubjectivation. The Revolutionary Subject in Bataille and the Very Early Agamben

Clemens Justin

Not Not. A Note on the Figures of Power in Giorgio Agamben

Frost Tom

Destituent Power and the Problem of the Lives to Come

Prozorov Sergei

Mind your Manners. Agamben and Phish

Decaroli Steven

That Which Is Born Generates Its Own Use. Giorgio Agamben and Karma

Sawczynski Piotr

Beginnings Are Hard. Giorgio Agamben and the Regressive Subject

Kishik David

Homo Schizoid. Destituent Power and Nonrelational Life

Monographica II.

Belloni Ilario, Campanelli Giuseppe, Milazzo Lorenzo

Law, Infra-Law, Counterlaw. Regolatory Instruments and Fundamental Rights Protection

Milazzo Lorenzo

Infradiritto, controdiritto e ‘regressione del giuridico’

Gjergji Iside

Immigrazione e infra-diritto: dal governo per circolari alla tweeting-governance

Talini Silvia

Infradiritto e libertà personale: riflessioni intorno a interpretazione e applicazione del diritto

Marone Francesco, Pertici Andrea

Quando una disciplina attuativa si sottrae al circuito democratico: il caso delle linee guida ANAC per l’attuazione dei contratti pubblici e la loro difficoltà di classificazione

Belloni Ilario

Pericolose soggettività. Uomini e animali tra diritti e discipline

Lo Calzo Antonello

Emergenza e infradiritto. Limiti ai diritti fondamentali, regole di condotta e canoni di interpretazione

Symposium I:
Desmond Manderson, Danse Macabre. Temporalities of Law in the Visual Arts.

Branco Patricia

Time, Art, and the Law: A Matter of Perspective. A Comment on "Danse Macabre. Temporalities of Law in the Visual Arts"

Crawley Karen

Reading Images in the End Times

Doherty Sophie

Are There Still No Great Women Artists? A Feminist Response to Desmond Manderson’s Dance Macabre

Gearey Adam

Ten Ways of ‘Thinking with’ Desmond Manderson

Gómez Romero Luis

Beyond the Atlantic Gaze, or, a Mexican View on Art, Death, Time and Law

Joy Rachel

Response to "Danse Macabre: Temporalities of Law in the Visual Arts" by Desmond Manderson

Manderson Desmond

Writing about, Thinking with. Reply to Critics

Symposium II:
Oliver Marchart, Thinking Antagonism: Political Ontology after Laclau.

Biglieri Paula, Perello Gloria

Hacer la política nuevamente pensable. Una reseña sobre "Thinking Antagonism: Political Ontology after Laclau" de Oliver Marchart

Dreyer Hansen Allan

Is Antagonism a Good Name for Radical Negativity? Review of Oliver Marchart’s "Thinking Antagonism"

Paipais Vassilios

In the Name of the Father: The Weight of Inheritance in Oliver Marchart’s "Thinking Antagonism"

Payne David

"Thinking Antagonism" (by Way of Appropriation)

Vardoulakis Dimitris

Radicalizing Radical Negativity: On Oliver Marchart’s "Thinking Antagonism"

Marchart Oliver

Thinking "Thinking Antagonsim". A Response


Brindisi Gianvito

L’interiorità a processo. Teorie penali, frenologia e alienismo in Francia e in Italia fra XVIII e XIX secolo

Donoghue Robert

A Neo-Republican Critique of Hard Libertarianism

Greblo Edoardo

Sovranità cosmopolitica

Kamminga Menno R.

The Intrinsic Justifiability of Grandfathering in Climate Politics

Komel Mirt

“Un meno che tocco”: la filosofia del tocco di Jean-Luc Nancy

Simoncelli Damiano

Al di là del piacere. Sulla fondazione del ‘Principio di Utilità’ in Jeremy Bentham

Soliani Gian Pietro

Metamorfosi del bene. Tracce medievali nel Leviatano di Hobbes

Sušnik Matej

Intention, Collateral Damage and Indifference to Human Life

Woermann Minka

Post-Colonial Thinking and Modes of Being-with Others


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 44
  • Publication
      124  2549
  • Publication
    Post-Colonial Thinking and Modes of Being-with Others
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Woermann, Minka
    This paper seeks to interrogate the mode of relationality – or Being-with Others – that supports a responsible postcolonial thinking. The paper draws from both the Western and African philosophical traditions. Three modes of Being-with Others are identified at the hand of Martin Heidegger’s and Jean-Luc Nancy’s work, namely the exterior mode, in which we simply exist alongside one another; the interior mode, wherein our identities are assimilated by a historically-constituted community; and, the non-essentialised mode, wherein our identities are open to Oters. The paper critically explores African Humanism and African Communitarian in order to demonstrate how – in practice – these views often lend support to the exterior mode and the interior mode respectively. As an alternative to these views, a reading of African philosophy that foregrounds the Political as first philosophy is given. It is demonstrated how this reading not only demands a non-essentialised mode of Being-with Others (which will be motivated as the preferred relational mode), but also leads to a view of postcoloniality that is premised on the inherent openness of being and community.
      162  313
  • Publication
    Intention, Collateral Damage and Indifference to Human Life
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Sušnik, Matej
    In this paper, I discuss a possible moral difference between terrorism and war. The standard approach to this question relies on the doctrine of double effect (DDE). The DDE advocates believe that it matters morally whether certain harm is intentionally caused or whether it merely occurs as a foreseen but unintended side effect. I suggest that the DDE does not answer the question and that the moral difference between terrorism and war cannot be adequately captured as long as one focuses on moral justification or permissibility. The critical difference, it is claimed, is not that war is sometimes morally right or permissible, but that terrorism and war do not display the same attitude toward innocent people. The distinction between permissibility and blameworthiness also enables us to see why some wars, such as those covered by the name “war on terror”, should be morally distinguished from terrorism.
      190  203
  • Publication
    Metamorfosi del bene. Tracce medievali nel Leviatano di Hobbes
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Soliani, Gian Pietro
    Scholars have often underlined the influence of medieval theological voluntarism in Thomas Hobbes’ thought. The article aims to identify the similarities with some theses of medieval ethical voluntarism in Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan. The evolution of the concept of good is considered starting with the ethical thought of John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham. The concept of good understood as individual advantage and self-preservation comes to Hobbes probably through Scotus’ influence in Francisco Suárez. In addition, the approaches to moral obligation and to good and evil seem to be the Ockham’s legacy to the Hobbesian moral and political thought.
      159  351
  • Publication
    Al di là del piacere. Sulla fondazione del ‘Principio di Utilità’ in Jeremy Bentham
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Simoncelli, Damiano
    The Principle of Utility can be regarded as the keystone of the Benthamite ethical and political thought. In fact, it is at the core of Bentham’s two major works Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation and Deontology. At the same time, the question has been raised about its foundation. This paper is aimed at showing that this foundation can be found in the elenctic defense he proposes at the beginning of his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation.
      172  418