Offenbarung und die Anökonomieder Tora. Ein systematisch-theologischer Blick in die Talmudlesungen Emmanuel Levinas'
Ebert, Patrick
The following contribution deals with the question of a possible articulation of the connection between the soteriological and hamartiological dimension of the event of revelation in the Jewish-Christian tradition. In contrast to the classical Lutheran distinction between law and gospel, a proposal will be made instead, based on Levinas’ Talmud readings, as to how the connection between the soteriological and hamartiological dimensions of the event of revelation can be ar-ticulated in a systematic-theological way. For this purpose, Levinas’ elaboration on the connec-tion between Tora and revelation as well as the motif of the ‘an-economy of the Tora’ will be taken into focus and supplemented by his phenomenological-philosophical writings, Derrida’s reflections on event and testimony and Bernhard Waldenfels’ reflections on a phenomenology of the alien.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Patrick Ebert, "Offenbarung und die Anökonomieder Tora. Ein systematisch-theologischer Blick in die Talmudlesungen Emmanuel Levinas'" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2021, pp. 323-357
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