Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/2

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Monographica I.
The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy.


Filieri Luigi, Manchisi Armando, Tortorella Sabina

The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy.

Romero Paola

The Revolutionary ‘Deception’: Kant on the Illusion of a Politics of Happiness

Manchisi Armando

The Right and the Good in Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy

Meyer Thomas

Hierarchies of Freedom – Hegel’s Liberalism Between the Individual and the State

Tortorella Sabina

Au-delà de la multitude: l’État hégélien à l’épreuve du present

Illetterati Luca

La “totalità inorganica dei molti” e “l’organismo dello Stato”. Populismo e ipermodernità

Møller Sophie

Kant on Non-Linear Progress

Filieri Luigi

Historical Duties. Kant’s Path from Nature to Freedom, Cosmopolitanism and Peace

Picardi Roberta

“I diritti degli altri” e la “giusta appartenenza” nel Fondamento del diritto naturale di Fichte

Ostritsch Sebastian

Hegel’s Nationalism or Two Hegelian Arguments Against Globalism

Genel Katia

Le déchirement de la Sittlichkeit: Adorno en dialogue avec Hegel

Giladi Paul

Ethical Life, Growth, and Relational Institutions: Intersubjectivity, Freedom, and Critique


Monographica II.
Rethinking the Sources of Normativity in Ethics.


Funke Andreas, Redaelli Roberto

Rethinking the Sources of Normativity in Ethics. Guest Editors’ Preface

Wrangham Richard

The Execution Hypothesis for the Evolution of a Morality of Fairness

Fittipaldi Edoardo

Reducing Norms to Superegoic Emotions

Satokhina Natalia

A Hermeneutic Account of Normativity of Law

Funke Andreas

Norms and their “Application”. The Citizens’ Role in Law

Rotundo Alessio

Ratio Negativa: Normative Reason and History in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty

Staiti Andrea

Husserl sui concetti specificamente normativi

Redaelli Roberto

The Neo-Kantian Notion of We-Subject Between Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy. Some Preliminary Remarks

Bagnoli Carla

The Sources and Stances of Moral Normativity

Korsgaard Christine M., Staiti Andrea

A Conversation Between Andrea Staiti and Christine Korsgaard on The Sources of Normativity


On the Conflict Between Political and Epistemic Virtues.


Cerovac Ivan

Rereading Estlund: In Defence of Moderate Epistemic Proceduralism

Šušnjar Aleksandar

Public Disagreement about Uncontroversial Conclusions of Science in the Light of Cultural Cognition Theory: Making the Case for Civic Friendship as a Hybrid Epistemic and Moral Virtue


Symposium I.
Johan van der Walt, "The Concept of Liberal Democratic Law", Routledge, Abingdon, 2020.


Tekin Serdar

Between Modesty and Ambition: Remarks on "The Concept of Liberal Democratic Law"

Spindola Diniz Ricardo

Rational Necessities: on the Silence of Liberal Democratic Theory in Front of the Unreasonable Other

Christodoulidis Emilios

Kosmos, Nomos, Physis and “the Concept of Liberal Democratic Law”

Michelman Frank I.

Civility to Graciousness: van der Walt and Rawls

Van Roermund Bert

The Case for Embodied Democratic Law-Making

Van Der Walt Johan

Liberal Democracy and the Event of Existence, Seen from a not-so-Rickety Bridge Between Rawls and Merleau-Ponty. Reply to my Critics


Symposium II.
Mario Vergani, "Nascita. Una fenomenologia dell'esistenza", Carocci, Roma, 2020


Bourlez Fabrice

Naître comme un arc-en-ciel

Mancini Roberto

La nascita, evento di libertà tra dono e potere

Natoli Salvatore

Note su "Nascita. Una fenomenologia dell’esistenza"

Resta Caterina

Ogni volta unico l’inizio del mondo

Spagnuolo Vigorita Rosa

Separarsi: la "Fenomenologia dell’esistenza" per Mario Vergani

Zucal Silvano

Fenomenologia della nascita con Husserl e oltre Husserl

Vergani Mario

Natale e nativo. Note alle osservazioni su "Nascita. Una fenomenologia dell’esistenza"




Arrigo Giacomo Maria

Burke lettore di Rousseau: note a margine di "A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly"

Cislaghi Alessandra

Logiche di vita secondo il greco “zen”: la zoopoiesi all’origine

Dadà Silvia

Levinas e il femminile. Tra stereotipo ed etica

Pirni Alberto

Diritti infiniti e doveri limitati? Per una fondazione del dovere di giustizia tra le generazioni

Raciti Andrea

Dimensioni della tirannide in Kojève. L'incapacità di vivere da straniero

Turoldo Fabrizio, Luce Serena, Manzato Giuseppe, Tuono Marco

Man Is What He Eats: The Philosophy and Ethics of Eating




Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 44
  • Publication
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/2
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
      132  3800
  • Publication
    Man Is What He Eats: The Philosophy and Ethics of Eating
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Turoldo, Fabrizio
    Luce, Serena
    Manzato, Giuseppe
    Tuono, Marco
    The article is based on Feuerbach's well-known ruling that "man is what he eats", to analyse its possible different meanings, even the most recondited ones. To do this the research winds through a long journey, which begins with a reflection on the role that food has in some Western religions, especially in Judaism and Christianity. Two processes which have deeply characterized the relationship of Western man with food are then examined: the process of industrialization and that of the medicalization of food. Finally, coming to the contemporary, the article goes into the merits of the relationship that different cultures have with food in a multicultural society and offers some indications for alternative models compared to those currently dominant. The conclusion, with Feuerbach and beyond Feuerbach, is that man is yes what he eats, but also what he does not eat and, above all, man eats what he is.
      317  653
  • Publication
    Dimensioni della tirannide in Kojève. L'incapacità di vivere da straniero
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Raciti, Andrea
    In this work I aim to explain the theory of tyranny outlined by Alexandre Kojève in the essay entitled Tyrannie et Sagesse, that was originally composed as a review of Leo Strauss’ On Ty-ranny. The paper tries to demonstrate that this specific Kojèvian theory is not occasional, but it repre-sents an important articulation of the “Hegelian” System of wisdom created by the Russian phi-losopher. An articulation in which it shows a kind of “meeting place” of central parts of the Sy-stem, in particular the philosophical anthropology based on desire (Begierde) and recognition (Anerkennung), the theory of Authority and the phenomenology of law. The common thread of my interpretation is the relationship thematised by Kojève between political power and philosophy. This perspective could open plural dimensions of tyranny in the kojèvian thought. Dimensions which are interconnected in the direction of a post-historical and post-political State, in which the concepts of “stranger” and “alien” are dissolved into an universal and all-embracing reality.
      201  475
  • Publication
    Diritti infiniti e doveri limitati? Per una fondazione del dovere di giustizia tra le generazioni
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Pirni, Alberto
    The essay starts by focusing on some of the Charters of fundamental rights, by stressing their sovra-contextual and diachronical aspects. This last point constitutes the core of the subsequent parts, in which it is explored an attempt for grounding the duty of justice for future generations. By exploring the pragmatic efficacy of some objections to such a duty, the essay develops a con-structivist strategy, devoted to address intragenerational and intergenerational duties as equal claims of justice. On the one hand, is it articulated the comprehensive claim for intergenerational altruism, as a result of an incremental normative commitment. On the other, it is explored the legitimacy of a unique normative bond that offers the possibility of a robust foundation of the duty of justice among generations, by linking the pragmatic effort to accomplish unavoidable intragenerational obligations with the normative claim in favour of unavoidable intergenerational ones.
      178  200
  • Publication
    Levinas e il femminile. Tra stereotipo ed etica
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Dadà, Silvia
    The issue of the relationship between Levinas and the feminine has been a central role in recent levinasian studies and represents one of the places where critics are most in disagreement. In fact, there are those who highlight the devaluing and stereotypical representation of woman in a subordinate position with respect to male subjectivity, reducing her to the space of the house or to erotic pleasure; while others focus mainly on the importance of the maternal sense of ethical subjectivity. The aim of this article is to show all the places where Levinas talks about the role of the female and to reconstruct the critical debate on them. In doing this, we will try to answer urgent questions that characterize the current feminist philosophies: how to think together about vulnerability, responsibility and a dispossessed subject without ending up supporting a conservative vision that justifies forms of submission and subordination? To answer this question, we will show the main female figures that we encounter in the author's thought, illustrating the specific role of each of them within his work. At that point we will analyze the debate that has developed around this theme and we will show our personal conclusions.
      132  418