Man Is What He Eats: The Philosophy and Ethics of Eating
Turoldo, Fabrizio
Luce, Serena
Manzato, Giuseppe
Tuono, Marco
The article is based on Feuerbach's well-known ruling that "man is what he eats", to analyse its possible different meanings, even the most recondited ones. To do this the research winds through a long journey, which begins with a reflection on the role that food has in some Western religions, especially in Judaism and Christianity. Two processes which have deeply characterized the relationship of Western man with food are then examined: the process of industrialization and that of the medicalization of food. Finally, coming to the contemporary, the article goes into the merits of the relationship that different cultures have with food in a multicultural society and offers some indications for alternative models compared to those currently dominant. The conclusion, with Feuerbach and beyond Feuerbach, is that man is yes what he eats, but also what he does not eat and, above all, man eats what he is.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Fabrizio Turoldo, Serena Luce, Giuseppe Manzato, Marco Tuono, "Man Is What He Eats: The Philosophy and Ethics of Eating" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/2", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2021, pp. 761-778
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