Slavica Tergestina 26 (2021/I)
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Dović Marijan, Vidmar Luka
Dović Marijan, Vidmar Luka
Habsburg Censorship and Literature in the Slovenian Lands
Bachleitner Norbert
From Paternalism to Authoritarianism: Censorship in the Habsburg Monarchy (1751–1848)
Ditmajer Nina
Banned Books in the Libraries of the Styrian Monasteries in the Early Modern Period
Deželak Trojar Monika
Schönleben’s Prohibited Mariological Works
Vidmar Luka
Pastar Andrej
Censorship in Carniola under Joseph II
Ogrin Matija
Slovenian Manuscripts of the Late Baroque: Literary Tradition Defying Enlightenment Censorship
Svoljšak Sonja
Juvan Marko
Censorship and the Literary Field: Kopitar, Čop, and Krajnska čbelica
Dović Marijan
Slovenian Literature and Imperial Censorship after 1848
Perenič Urška
Literary Censorship and the Dramatic Society in Ljubljana (1891–1904)