«Il commissario Catullo»: il "Carme 56" in "Eccetera" di Emilio Tadini
Ferrario, Marcello
This paper deals with Enrico Tadini’s last novel, Eccetera, and its relationship with Catullus
LVI. Tadini was a well-known painter and writer of the second half of XXth century, author of
novels, poems, dramas, critical essays. In a scene of Eccetera the narrator reports the story of a
curious experience by one of the characters. Working as carrier, he delivers a book to a couple:
the book is an old edition of Catullus’ poems and the male of the couple propose to him to an
erotic performance that reproduces the situation of Catullus’ LVI. A close reading of the re-use of
the Latin poem shows that Tadini built the scene – and all his novel – on an elaborate system of
dichotomies and oppositions: old and new, colors and white, otherness and familiarity, classical
culture and contemporary absence of culture, past and present. Such a complexity simply tries to
reflect the complexity of the real life, as the analysis of Tadini’s style confirms. The author
establishes a dialogue with the reader, that is also a way of reflecting – through the powerful lens
of humorism – on the status of the contemporary novel and on our relationships with the past.
CentoPagine. Rivista elettronica internazionale che raccoglie i contributi resi nei Seminari sulla continuità dell'antico
EUT – Edizioni Università di Trieste
"«Il commissario Catullo»: il 'Carme 56' in 'Eccetera' di Emilio Tadini", in CentoPagine. Rivista elettronica internazionale che raccoglie i contributi resi nei Seminari sulla continuità dell'antico 2 (2008), pp.83-92