Turismo sostenible y culturemas en español e italiano
Ferrara, Giovanna
Tourism was born from the human need to explore, knowing places, people and cultures. The tourist language is heterogeneous, and we can find it on a boundary line among other sectorial languages. The present work is based on an analysis of some aspects in the field of translation and lexicography of the sustainable tourism. Through a qualitative focalisation, we will focus on some linguistic and translatological characteristic from a contrastive point of view. The reference points will be some corpus like the “Official Portal of tourism of Spain” (“Portal Oficial de turismo de España”) (http://www.spain.info/es/), Cometval, the beginning of monolingual (DRAE and Keys) and bilingual (Laura Tam) dictionaries. We will highlight some culturemas that can give problems at the moment in which they will be translated from spanish to italian (alfajores, monas de Pascua, etc.) and from Italian to Spanish (like, for example, “peperoni cruschi”, “Tartellate”, etc.). The goal is to establish some useful instruments for the translation in the professional field of the linguistic and cultural mediation.
The linguistic and cultural mediator transmits intercultural knowledges to ease the linguistic exchange and to avoid misunderstandings during the communication. It neither deals with a simple and mere translation nor transfer and transmit unique and typical knowledges of a specific group that often does not own a conceptual and linguistic equivalent in the given language. For that reason, they come into play a series of translatological strategies and techniques to accomplish a grade of equivalence as much accurate as possible.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Giovanna Ferrara, "Turismo sostenible y culturemas en español e italiano" in: "Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.23 - 2021", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2021, pp. 65-77
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