Slavica Tergestina 28 (2022/I)
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Habjan Jernej
Writing the Himalaya in Polish and Slovenian: Introduction
Roszkowska Eva
Passion and Politics: An Outline of the History of Polish Himalayanism
Pacukiewicz Marek
Liminal Literature and the School of Vertical Promotion in Polish Mountaineering
Grzęda Ewa
On Polish Himalayan Literature, Then and Now
Dutka Elżbieta
Kaliszuk Przemysław
Mikša Peter
The Mountains that Wrote Them: Slovenians Climbing and Writing about Eight-Thousand-Metre Peaks
Virk Tomo
Towards a Bi-polar Typology of Slovenian Mountaineering Literature
Habjan Jernej
Writing the Death Zone: The Slovenian Case
Koron Alenka
Vertical Trials: Three Narrative Texts of Slovenian Mountaineering Literature
Felgner Lars
Verč Ivan