Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2022) XXIV/1

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A Tribute to the Philosophical Lyric in Walter Benjamin

Herrera Ruiz Juan Carlos

Walter Benjamin. A Philosophical Interpretation of the World Through Poetry. Guest Editor’s Preface

Raciti Andrea

La legge di Saturno. Sulla rappresentazione del [(De˄de)]stino nel Trauerspielbuch di Walter Benjamin

Vivas Hurtado Selnich

Teoría estética y pueblos ancestrales en Walter Benjamin

Tagliacozzo Tamara

Storia e redenzione. elementi messianici nel concetto di immagine dialettica di Walter Benjamin

Herrera Ruiz Juan Carlos

Notas sobre una estética política de la Revolución Rusa: los viajes de Walter Benjamin y César Vallejo a Moscú

Sferrazza Papa Ernesto Calogero

“L’istituzione delle cose umane”. Tecnica, politica e felicità in Walter Benjamin

Maya Franco Claudia María

Walter Benjamin: lo natural y lo sobrenatural vs el enigma y el sometimiento al misterio. Una lectura de “El Proceso”


Analytic Aesthetics in Crisis


Mcgregor Rafe

Analytic Aesthetics From Theory To Practice? Reply To Vidmar Jovanović

Vidmar Jovanović Iris

Theory and Practice of Analytic Aesthetics. The Issue of Ethical Criticism of Art in the Context of Mcgregor’s Concerns


Fabio Bruschi, Le matérialisme politique de Louis Althusser, Éditions Mimésis, Milano-Udine 2020


Fanciullacci Riccardo

Sic transit. Osservazioni sulla teoria althusseriana della trasformazione sociale ricostruita da Fabio Bruschi

Montag Warren

Althusser’s Perpetual Motion: Fabio Bruschi’s “Le materialisme politique de Louis Althusser

Carlino Fabrizio

Un materialisme politique au-dela d'Althusser

Viparelli Irene

Louis Althusser. Un materialismo della transizione?

Monferrand Frederic

Histoire et revolution. L’althusserisme politique de Fabio Bruschi

Bruschi Fabio

Virtualite des modes de production, figures du communisme et apprentissage collectif. Reponse a mes critiques




Balistreri Maurizio

Considerazioni bioetiche sulla riproduzione assistita e sulla maternità surrogata una critica della prospettiva conservatrice

Corradetti Claudio

Locke’s Theory of Property and the Limits of the State’s Fiduciary Powers a Critical Appraisal of the Second Treatise on Government

Daverio Margherita

Bioethical and Biopolitical Implications of Torture

Franc Eric

La categorizzazione etnica e gli etnonimi. questioni teorico-metodologiche fra presente e passato

Magnin Thierry, Giorgini Pierre

Digital Driven Technosciences: Epistemological and Ethical Questioning

Mori Valerio

Pursuit of happiness e speranza post-moderna. Rorty su Havel, Patočka (e oltre)

Rajão Hugo

Is the Capability Approach Compatible With the Unconditional Basic Income?

Tedesco Francescomaria

Aggirarsi tra le macerie della storia. Saggio sugli intellettuali, il potere e la società

Volpi Jacopo

Le relazioni fra diritto e stato nel pensiero di Giovanni Gentile dalla prefazione ai principî di etica a genesi e struttura della società


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 25
  • Publication
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2022) XXIV/1
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics is an open access philosophical journal, being published only in an electronic format. The journal aims at promoting research and reflection, both historically and theoretically, in the fields of moral, political and legal philosophy, with no preclusion or adhesion to any cultural current or philosophical tradition. Contributions should be submitted in one of these languages: Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish. The editorial staff especially welcomes interdisciplinary contributions with special attention to the main trends of the world of practice.
      69  1754
  • Publication
    Le relazioni fra diritto e stato nel pensiero di Giovanni Gentile dalla prefazione ai principî di etica a genesi e struttura della società
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Volpi, Jacopo
    The present paper attempts to investigate the conceptual relationship between «Law» and «State» in Gentile’s doctrine. If we consider them discretely, these two elements seem theoretically clear. But, when analyzed together, they assume problematic features and show themselves in a completely different light. When approached in this sense, they entail significant philosophical implications. More specifically, the aim of this article is to argue the condition of «suspension of law» in Gentile’s works. Such condition is determined by the ambiguous position that leaves the legal domain to the mercy of political will, on one hand, and in dependence of morality, on the other. These issues reveal the undeniable contradictions characterizing legal actualism, especially with respect to the concept of law and the relationship between individuals and state authority.
      91  279
  • Publication
    Aggirarsi tra le macerie della storia. Saggio sugli intellettuali, il potere e la società
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Tedesco, Francescomaria
    What is the role of the intellectual? And what is the relationship between culture, society and power? This essay attempts to answer these key questions by starting from the ideas that Norberto Bobbio had given us after World War II in the pages of his book Politica e cultura (Politics and Culture ), in which he sketched a figure of the intellectual that was neither partisan nor Olympian, yet vaguely evocative of that Weberian wertfreiheit that already seemed a very problematic concept at the time. Bobbio’s words, which already testified to the crisis of modern public reason, had to be set against the postmodern atmosphere and its effects, its critics and its advocates. Did postmodernism authorise disengagement, inviting us to cultiver notre jardin? Should it be discarded in order to recover a ‘romantic’ image of the engaged intellectual, a sort of ‘Green Beret’ of culture? The proposal of this essay is that the intellectual should play the role of saboteur, only to find himself rummaging through the rubble of History that he himself has contributed to disseminating.
      196  195
  • Publication
    Is the Capability Approach Compatible With the Unconditional Basic Income?
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Rajão, Hugo
    This paper argues that the most effective way to distribute capabilities, as part of a capabilitybased theory of justice, involves the implementation of an unconditional basic income. On the one hand, unconditional access to the means – external conditions – required by capabilities has a positive impact on capabilities’ robustness and security. On the other hand, income, as an external condition, enhances at least three important aspects in the distribution of capabilities: (1) it enhances the multiple realisability of capabilities; (2) it allows for changes across time in the sources of variation that affect the conversion of means into capabilities; and (3) it increases the effectiveness of other external conditions with which income is combined.
      55  74
  • Publication
    Pursuit of happiness e speranza post-moderna. Rorty su Havel, Patočka (e oltre)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Mori, Valerio
    In this paper I examine Rorty’s article The Seer of Prague, in which He reflects on Václav Havel’s speech at the US Congress – February the 21th, 1990 – and analyzes Havel’s approach to politics in the light of Martin Heidegger’s and Jan Patoč ka’s Philosophy. Rorty appreciated Havel’s and Patoč ka’s engagement in defense of democracy and civil rights in Seventies’ Czechoslovakia (Cahrter77), despite He criticizes their philosophical aptitude as a political task. On the one hand, I try to argue that Rorty’s claim about freeing liberal-democracy from the problem of metaphysical foundation – as a matter of private life of the philosopher – is incoherent; on the other hand, I try to enhance Rorty’s distributive justice argument (in Achieving our Country) in the light of nowadays populist’s challenge to liberal democracy.
      56  99