Theory and Practice of Analytic Aesthetics. The Issue of Ethical Criticism of Art in the Context of Mcgregor’s Concerns
Vidmar Jovanović, Iris
My aim in this paper is to provide clarification of my view on ethical criticism of narrative art in order to respond to some of the concerns issued at it by Rafe McGregor. While McGregor and I share numerous assumptions regarding the cognitive and ethical value of art, we disagree with respect to certain practical concerns. To address his challenge, I argue for the necessity of joining philosophical research with research in other domains, primarily in cognitive sciences, in order to determine the extent to which engagements with art can have positive or negative cognitive and moral impact on the spectators. I am particularly concerned with showing that philosophy needs support from other disciplines in order to ground its claims in scientifically supported theories and to avoid self-generating theoretical disagreements that are populating its debates. However, I also offer an array of reasons for the inclusion of philosophy into other disciplines, and I urge for the recognition of philosophy’s potential to respond to publically relevant issues.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, "Theory and Practice of Analytic Aesthetics. The Issue of Ethical Criticism of Art in the Context of Mcgregor’s Concerns" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2022) XXIV/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 175-184
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