Publication: L’iscrizione di Paulus e il numerus Saliorum ad Aquileia
Buora, Maurizio
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EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
L’articolo riguarda l’iscrizione CIL V, 8280 rinvenuta ad Aquileia e ora conservata a Vienna, al Kunsthistorisches Museum. Il defunto, morto all’età di 40 anni, è indicato con la formula VRL che vorrei sciogliere come venerabilis. La dichiarata appartenenza al numerus Saliorum e l’indicazione della XI indizione fanno attribuire la sua permanenza ad Aquileia dopo la sconfitta dei Goti e prima dell’arrivo dei Longobardi, quindi datano la sua morte probabilmente all’anno 563. Ritengo che Paulus più che un semplice soldato di profonda convinzione cristiana fosse una sorta di cappellano militare, figura cui si adatterebbe l’appellativo di serbus Dei contenuto nell’epigrafe. Dato lo stretto legame tra il complesso delle Grandi Terme e la porta sull’antico cardine, unite da una strada costruita ex novo con uno sventramento nel periodo bizantino, suppongo che proprio in quell’edificio fosse ubicata l’amministrazione militare (con le truppe) e civile della città in età bizantina.
The Paulus inscription and the numerus Saliorum in Aquileia. The paper concerns the inscription CIL V, 8280 found in Aquileia and now preserved in Vienna, at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The deceased, who died at the age of 40, is indicated with the formula VRL that we want to loose as venerabilis. His military service in the numerus Saliorum and the indication of the 11th indiction lead to attribute the stay in Aquileia after the defeat of the Goths and before the arrival of the Lombards, so they probably date his death to the year 563. We believe that Paulus, more than a simple soldier of solid Christian faith, was a sort of military chaplain, a figure to whom the name of serbus Dei contained in the epigraph would fit. Given the close link between the complex of the Great Baths and the door on the ancient kardo, joined by a road built ex novo by a gutting in the Byzantine period, we assume that both the military (with troops) and the civil administration was located in that building in the Byzantine age.
The Paulus inscription and the numerus Saliorum in Aquileia. The paper concerns the inscription CIL V, 8280 found in Aquileia and now preserved in Vienna, at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The deceased, who died at the age of 40, is indicated with the formula VRL that we want to loose as venerabilis. His military service in the numerus Saliorum and the indication of the 11th indiction lead to attribute the stay in Aquileia after the defeat of the Goths and before the arrival of the Lombards, so they probably date his death to the year 563. We believe that Paulus, more than a simple soldier of solid Christian faith, was a sort of military chaplain, a figure to whom the name of serbus Dei contained in the epigraph would fit. Given the close link between the complex of the Great Baths and the door on the ancient kardo, joined by a road built ex novo by a gutting in the Byzantine period, we assume that both the military (with troops) and the civil administration was located in that building in the Byzantine age.
Aquileia, numerus Saliorum, XI indizione, Grandi Terme, XI indiction, Great Baths
Maurizio Buora, "L’iscrizione di Paulus e il numerus Saliorum ad Aquileia" in: "Storia e archeologia 1 (2021). Italia settentrionale e regioni dell'arco alpino tra V e VI sec. d.C. - Atti del convegno (15-17 aprile 2021)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2021, pp. 511-520