Hannah Arendt: un “diverso” cosmopolitismo. Temi, contenuti, poblemi in discussione
Loche, Annamaria
Although Hannah Arendt considered cosmopolitanism extraneous to her political theory, Angela Taraborrelli proposes her own original reading of a number of motifs that show how the theory of a more "viable" cosmopolitanism than traditional conceptions is present in Arendt's thought. Taraborrelli believes that for the analysis she wants to conduct the “right to have rights” and “plurality” play a relevant role and that statelessness and crime of genocide are the very starting point of Arendt's political thought. She also analyses several other themes, such as: the federal principle, the council system, the International Criminal Court and Code, and cosmopolitan citizenship, highlighting their close conceptual connection and interdependence. Coexisting in this conception of cosmopolitanism is the need for human beings to relate to one another on an equal footing and, at the same time, to preserve their diversity of history, culture traditions.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Annamaria Loche, "Hannah Arendt: un “diverso” cosmopolitismo. Temi, contenuti, poblemi in discussione" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2023) XXV/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 22-40
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