European Transport / Trasporti Europei
European Transport\Trasporti Europei (ISSN 1825-3997) is published three times a year by ISTIEE (Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell'integrazione economica europea, Institute for the Study of Transport within the European Economic Integration, (http://www.istiee.org). ISTIEE is located in Trieste, Italy.
European Transport\Trasporti Europei is an international journal, written in English. The aim is to promote and disseminate new ideas which can help improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the transport system.
Given the Institute's mission, a special interest to the Journal is the role of transport in promoting and facilitating European economic integration. The links between the Western and Eastern, Northern and Southern European countries will be paid special attention to. However, these issues are not exclusive and processes of integration in other geographical areas are as well of interest to the Journal. The links between transport activities and economic development is also of concern of the journal.
Both the mobility of passengers and freight is of interest, by any means of transportation. Issue such as intermodality, integration and interoperability, because of their importance, will be paid special attention to. Logistics and supply-chain management topics are very relevant.
Occasionally, special issues will be organised with the aim at collecting important contributions from prominent researchers on specific topics.
Transport topics will be approached from many disciplines or perspectives. Economic, engineering and geographical aspects will be given particular emphasis. Although both theoretical, modelling and empirical papers will be published, a special emphasis will be given to the latter, with special reference to papers focusing on industry and market structure analysis, policy and institutional discussion or regulatory proposals.All papers submitted for publication are refereed by two anonymous reviewers and accepted solely on the basis of quality and importance.
Starting from the year 2012 European Transport\Trasporti Europei is an open-source Journal. There are no printed issues. All paper are freely available on line. The listed databases continue abstracting/indexing the Journal.
Abstracting / Indexing
- American Economic Association eletronic indexes, which are included in JEL on CD, e_JEL, and Econlit.
- Ebsco
- Scopus
- Cabell Publishing
- Google Scholar