Maternity in prison. The impact of the externalization imprisonment on incarceration of mothers and children
Maternità reclusa. L’impatto dell’esternalizzazione della detenzione sulla carcerazione delle madri e dei figli
Garreffa, Franca
Motherhood in prison is a little-discussed topic due to the small number of incarcerated women. Few studies have given voice to incarcerated mothers to speak directly about their condition. This contribution, through a survey of the international scientific literature and making use of a decade of teaching experience in prisons, combined with field observation activities on behalf of the Antigone Association, took stock of the condition of imprisoned motherhood in Italy and the laws in force. Interviews with imprisoned mothers were analyzed in the light of the reform proposals initiated in our country to ensure that imprisoned mothers can continue to bond with their children in non-custodial settings.
Franca Garreffa, "Maternity in prison. The impact of the externalization imprisonment on incarceration of mothers and children" in: "Poliarchie/Polyarchies volume 6 n. 1/2023 ", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 131-156