Publication: Mimesi, satira, romanzo: tre anime per i Satyrica di Petronio
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In the present article three distinctive principles of Petronius’ Satyrica are identified: mimesis, satire, narration. Mimesis is studied both as a principle of representation by the author Petronius and as a recurring theme in the text: particularly evident in the world of Trimalchio and his fellow freedmen (who, for a kind of satirical contrappas-so, make an excessive use of it), mimesis, with its inevitable approximations, is also observed in the attitudes of the narrator Encolpius. Starting from a passage by Varro, that illustrates usefully the spectacularization of mimesis in Roman culture (rust. II, 13,2-3), the article analyzes in particular the following Petronian passages: 83,1-4; 2,2-6; 140,14. The Author’s expressive individuality is identified mainly in the refined con-struction of the whole, with its recurring themes, as well as in the structural arrange-ment of the story, especially the effect of ring composition.
Andrea Cucchiarelli, "Mimesi, satira, romanzo: tre anime per i Satyrica di Petronio" in: "ERAT OLIM. Nuovi materiali e contributi per la storia della narrativa greco-latina 3 (2023)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 35-72