Filosofia pubblica e citizen science: verso una citizen philosophy?
Ziglioli, Lucia
In recent years, the phenomenon known as citizen science, that shows citizens collaborating side by side with experts in the process of producing scientific knowledge, has exploded in various forms. Born mainly in the field of natural sciences, it rapidly expanded to social sciences and humanities: today we also speak of citizen humanities. However, what about philosophy? Lately, public philosophy, that is a philosophy for and with everyone, has redefined the role of philosophy in society and the relationship between professionals and citizens. Public philosophy brings the discipline everywhere and to anyone who is willing to welcome it. The object of this contribution is to understand if, and possibly under which conditions, public philosophy produces an advancement for the discipline itself, thereby becoming a form of citizen science, or, as I suggest calling it, a form of citizen philosophy . To understand this, it will first be necessary to clarify the respective definitions of citizen science and public philosophy. I will discuss whether, and possibly in what terms or under what conditions, the scientific statute of philosophy opens up to citizen science practices and what challenges this poses to the philosophical community.
Lucia Ziglioli, "Filosofia pubblica e citizen science: verso una citizen philosophy?" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2023) XXV/2", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 153-169