Feminism and Populism with no Guarantee
Barros, Mercedes
Martínez Prado, Natalia
From different latitudes across the globe, the study of the link between feminism and populism has been entangled in approaches that not only mistrust the possibility of the relationship itself, but also constantly reveal incompatibilities in their findings that shadow the reflection on their productive coexistence. Against this background, Paula Biglieri and Luciana Cadahia's book, Seven essays on populism, represents a breath of fresh air. The joint work of these Latin American political theorists opens up a line of research which proposes a new form of theorizing populism alongside feminism. In the following sections we focus on this dismantling process that underpins Biglieri and Cadahia's effort to open up and imagine a possible articulation between these phenomena, but alongside this analysis, we will also polemicize with their ideas, by bringing out the temptation of closure that eventually lurks in their analytical endeavours.
Mercedes Barros, Natalia Martínez Prado, "Feminism and Populism with no Guarantee" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2023) XXV/2", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 249-267