Una discussione teorico-normativa e comparativa sulle disposizioni anticipate di trattamento: un modello italiano per il contesto albanese
Veshi, Denard
Venditti, Carlo
Picaro, Raffaele
While the Italian Parliament ruled on the Advance Directives (ADs) in December 2017, Albania has not yet adopted a specific law regulating end-of-life situations. This scientific contribution studies the Albanian legal system and the documents published by the two main public health advisory bodies National Bioethics Committee and the National Health Committee as well as the national medical jurisprudence and the Code of medical ethics. After examining the im-portance of ADs and having considered the national and international literature that emphasized the patient's right to self-determination, this paper provides some suggestions while also taking into consideration the rules adopted by the Italian Parliament in December 2017. In the conclu-sions, this research highlights the importance of the ad hoc rules governing the ADs based on the findings of the investigation of the Italian model. Furthermore, in light of the current pan-demic, an innovative interpretation of the Albanian penal code is proposed.
Denard Veshi, Carlo Venditti, Raffaele Picaro, "Una discussione teorico-normativa e comparativa sulle disposizioni anticipate di trattamento: un modello italiano per il contesto albanese" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2023) XXV/2", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 367-387