L’industrializzazione dell’agricoltura nella Piana del Sele: una prospettiva geografica basata sull’Urban Atlas Copernicus
The industrialization of agriculture in the Sele Plain: a geographic perspective based on the Copernicus Urban Atlas
Matarazzo, Nadia
Imbrenda, Vito
Coluzzi, Rosa
Pace, Letizia
Samela, Caterina
Lanfredi, Maria
The paper arises from an interdisciplinary approach to the study of ter ritorial transformations: in fact, its authors are geographers, physicists and environmental engineers who are experts in remote sensing. The aim is to study the recent expansion of agricultural capitalism in a strategic region for the economy of the South: the Sele Plain. In just a few years, this territory with a strong agricultural vocation has experienced a drastic alteration of the land cover: in 2012 there was a substantial bal ance between arable land and greenhouses, but in 2018, in just six years, there was a substantial growth of greenhouses own detriment of arable land. This is the consequence of the expansion of the so-called “fourth range” in the fruit and vegetable market - which has also grown up in Italy in the last two decades - or rather the greenhouse production of fresh, washed and ready-to-eat products. It is a phenomenon which, in addition to its commercial value, has first-rate geo-economic, social and environmental effects. First, the penetration of local markets by large ag ricultural capitalists; secondly, the reduction of the ability of ecosystems to provide goods and services; thirdly, the depletion of the landscape and the potential increase in hydrogeological risk. The survey methodology involves the analysis of land cover changes in the municipalities of Battipaglia and Bellizzi, in the province of Salerno, in the 2012-2018 time span through the Urban Atlas Copernicus, created using very high resolution satellite data. Through the InVEST software, the observed changes were combined with the quantification of the loss generated by the reduction of the ecosystem goods and services.
Il contributo nasce da un approccio interdisciplinare allo studio delle tra-sformazioni territoriali: ne sono autori, infatti, geografi, fisici e ingegneri ambientali esperti di telerilevamento.
L’obiettivo è quello di studiare la recente espansione del capitalismo agricolo in una regione strategica per l’economia del Mezzogiorno: la Piana del Sele. In pochi anni, questo territorio a forte vocazione agri-cola ha conosciuto una drastica alterazione della copertura del suolo, che, se nel 2012 registrava un sostanziale equilibrio tra seminativi e serre, nel 2018, in appena sei anni, ha visto una crescita ponderosa delle serre a scapito proprio dei seminativi. È questa la conseguen-za dell’espansione della cosiddetta “quarta gamma” nel mercato or-tofrutticolo - esplosa anche in Italia nelle ultime due decadi – ovvero la produzione in serra di prodotti freschi, lavati e pronti al consumo. Si tratta di un fenomeno che, oltre alla valenza commerciale, ha dei riverberi geo-economici, sociali e ambientali di prim’ordine. In primo luogo, la penetrazione nei mercati locali dei grandi capitalisti agricoli; in secondo luogo, la riduzione della capacità degli ecosistemi di assi-curare beni e servizi; in terzo luogo, il depauperamento del paesaggio e il potenziale aumento del rischio idrogeologico.
La metodologia d’indagine prevede l’analisi dei cambiamenti del-la land cover nei comuni di Battipaglia e Bellizzi, nella provincia di Salerno, nel segmento temporale 2012-2018 attraverso l’Urban Atlas Copernicus, realizzato utilizzando dati satellitari ad altissima risolu-zione. Attraverso il software InVEST, ai cambiamenti osservati è stata abbinata la quantificazione della perdita generata dalla riduzione dei beni e servizi ecosistemici.
The paper arises from an interdisciplinary approach to the study of ter ritorial transformations: in fact, its authors are geographers, physicists and environmental engineers who are experts in remote sensing. The aim is to study the recent expansion of agricultural capitalism in a strategic region for the economy of the South: the Sele Plain. In just a few years, this territory with a strong agricultural vocation has experienced a drastic alteration of the land cover: in 2012 there was a substantial bal ance between arable land and greenhouses, but in 2018, in just six years, there was a substantial growth of greenhouses own detriment of arable land. This is the consequence of the expansion of the so-called “fourth range” in the fruit and vegetable market - which has also grown up in Italy in the last two decades - or rather the greenhouse production of fresh, washed and ready-to-eat products. It is a phenomenon which, in addition to its commercial value, has first-rate geo-economic, social and environmental effects. First, the penetration of local markets by large ag ricultural capitalists; secondly, the reduction of the ability of ecosystems to provide goods and services; thirdly, the depletion of the landscape and the potential increase in hydrogeological risk. The survey methodology involves the analysis of land cover changes in the municipalities of Battipaglia and Bellizzi, in the province of Salerno, in the 2012-2018 time span through the Urban Atlas Copernicus, created using very high resolution satellite data. Through the InVEST software, the observed changes were combined with the quantification of the loss generated by the reduction of the ecosystem goods and services.
Nadia Matarazzo, Vito Imbrenda, Rosa Coluzzi, Letizia Pace, Caterina Samela, Maria Lanfredi, "L’industrializzazione dell’agricoltura nella Piana del Sele: una prospettiva geografica basata sull’Urban Atlas Copernicus" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 175 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 101-113