Applying a sociological perspective to the analysis of court interpreting interactions: Exploring trust and distrust
Bestué, Carmen
Raigal-Aran, Judith
This article introduces a novel approach to analysing court interpreting interactions by applying a sociological perspective. Using a corpus of transcripts of criminal trials held in Barcelona with interpreting services in English, French, and Romanian, this study develops an instrument to identify situations of distrust between interpreters and judges. It focuses on observing the dynamics of their interactions by analysing the distrust reactions shown by the judge. We rely on Luhmann’s concept of trust, and more specifically on its functional equivalent: distrust. Two variables are used to operationalize distrust: the visibility of the interpreter in the discourse (the interpreter describes what is happening, checks that the defendant or witness understands what is being said, gives indications of behaviour, adds questions or answers or maintains conversations that are not translated for the other participants in the hearing) and the judge’s understanding of the foreign language (the judge’s ability to understand or speak the foreign language). This study examines the reactions of the judge in cases where they exhibit a certain degree of distrust and contributes to a sociological perspective on court interpreting studies, highlighting the power dynamics inherent in the interpreting process and the importance of trust in effective communication mediated by an interpreter.
Carmen Bestué, Judith Raigal-Aran, "Applying a sociological perspective to the analysis of court interpreting interactions: Exploring trust and distrust" in: "The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 28 - 2023", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 131-150
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