Performance mapping e processi geo-narrativi per la rivitalizzazione degli Smart Villages
Performance mapping and geo-narrative processes for the revitalization of Smart Villages
Carbone, Luisa
Europe speaks of Smart Villages, defining them as rural areas and local communities that build their development on the existing heritage as an essential strength, on new opportunities to create added value and on the construction of networks based on digital technologies. In this sense, innovation and a better use of local knowledge can really contribute to the revitalization of areas that are considered weak. Here, the geographical narrative and its ability to involve relational networks in the access and usability of its heritage are fundamental, making the village accessible, connecting it and creating the opportunity to relocate the territory to the center of the citizen's interest. However, it is an augmented geo-narrative, with performance mappings increasingly mediated by Human Interfaces, interactive holographic technologies, equipped with artificial intelligences which, through the combination of human creativity and IT technology, amplify not only the spectacularization and virtualization of places, but also intercept the consequent behaviors of the inhabitants.
L’Europa parla di Smart Villages, definendoli aree rurali e comunità locali che costruiscono il loro sviluppo sul patri-monio esistente come essenziale punto di forza, sulle nuo¬ve opportunità di creare valore aggiunto e sulla costruzione di reti basate sulle tecnologie digitali. In questo senso l’in¬novazione e un miglior uso delle conoscenze locali possono davvero contribuire alla rivitalizzazione delle aree conside¬rate deboli. Fondamentale, qui, è la narrazione geografica e la sua abilità a coinvolgere le reti relazionali nell’accesso e nella fruibilità del suo patrimonio, rendendo accessibile il borgo, connettendolo e creando l’opportunità di ricollocare il territorio al centro dell’interesse del cittadino. Si tratta però di una geo-narrazione aumentata, dalle performan¬ce mappings sempre più mediate dalle Human Interface, tecnologie olografiche interattive, dotate di intelligenze ar¬tificiali, che attraverso la combinazione di creatività umana e tecnologia IT, amplificano non solo la spettacolarizzazio¬ne e la virtualizzazione dei luoghi, ma intercettano i conse¬guenti comportamenti negli abitanti.
Europe speaks of Smart Villages, defining them as rural areas and local communities that build their development on the existing heritage as an essential strength, on new opportunities to create added value and on the construction of networks based on digital technologies. In this sense, innovation and a better use of local knowledge can really contribute to the revitalization of areas that are considered weak. Here, the geographical narrative and its ability to involve relational networks in the access and usability of its heritage are fundamental, making the village accessible, connecting it and creating the opportunity to relocate the territory to the center of the citizen's interest. However, it is an augmented geo-narrative, with performance mappings increasingly mediated by Human Interfaces, interactive holographic technologies, equipped with artificial intelligences which, through the combination of human creativity and IT technology, amplify not only the spectacularization and virtualization of places, but also intercept the consequent behaviors of the inhabitants.
Luisa Carbone, "Nuovi percorsi geocartografici tra potenzialità e innovazione. Il progetto “Performance mapping e processi geo-narrativi per la rivitalizzazione degli Smart Villages" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 176 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 34-42