Le potenzialità turistiche delle aree interne italiane: un’analisi cartografica ottenuta dalle classificazioni ufficiali
The tourism potential of Italy’s internal areas: a cartographic analysis obtained from official classifications
Zaccomer, Gian Pietro
Bertocchi, Dario
Italy’s internal areas have been part of the scientific and po litical debate for several years. The debate has often focused on the territorial inequalities which are distinctive of these areas and on their unexpressed potential. More recently, the 2014-20 EU programming has brought attention back to these areas through the National Strategy of Inner Areas co ordinated by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. The clas sification of these areas declines the same territories as “in land”, “remote” or “marginal”, but in any case, not deprived of potential to be expressed with respect to environmental, landscape, social and even tourist resources. This work sets out to investigate the potential of Italy’s internal areas from the tourism point of view. To this end, a recent taxonomy re alized by ISTAT during the pandemic period, regarding the tourism classification of Italian municipalities based on tour ism density is used. This work, which has the task of high lighting any territorial tourism connection, alongside the identification of the predominant tourism category of each municipality, proposes composite indicators constructed ad hoc on tourism supply and demand. The combination of this information with the mapping of the internal areas allows us to verify how much tourism is actually spread in these areas and consequently to assess their tourism potential. Be fore illustrating the main empirical evidence obtained, some methodological critical issues related to the two official classifications used here will be made explicit.
Le aree interne italiane fanno ormai parte del dibattito scientifico e politico da diversi anni. La discussione si è spesso soffermata sulle disparità territoriali caratterizzanti tali aree e sul loro poten ziale inespresso. Più recentemente, la programmazione comuni taria 2014-20 ha riportato l’attenzione su queste aree attraverso la Strategia Nazionale delle Aree Interne coordinata dall’Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale. La classificazione di tali aree declina gli stessi territori come “interni”, “lontani” o “marginali”, ma co munque non privi di potenzialità da esprimere rispetto a risor se ambientali, paesaggistiche, sociali e anche turistiche. Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare il potenziale delle aree interne italiane da quest’ultimo punto di vista. A tal fine viene sfruttata una recente tassonomia, ossia quella turistica dei comuni pro dotta dall’ISTAT in risposta al disposto dell’art. 182 della L. 77 del 2020 riguardante il sostegno alle attività economiche nelle aree ad alta densità turistica durante il periodo pandemico. Tale lavo ro, che aveva il compito di evidenziare l’eventuale nesso turisti co territoriale, accanto all’individuazione della categoria turistica prevalente in ciascun comune italiano, propone degli indicatori compositi costruiti ad hoc sull’offerta e sulla domanda turistica. L’incrocio di queste informazioni con la mappatura delle aree in terne permette di verificare quanto il turismo sia effettivamente presente in tali aree e, quindi, di valutare le potenzialità turistiche delle stesse. Prima di illustrare le principali evidenze empiriche ottenute, verranno esplicitate le criticità metodologiche che sottendono le due classificazioni ufficiali qui utilizzate.
Italy’s internal areas have been part of the scientific and po litical debate for several years. The debate has often focused on the territorial inequalities which are distinctive of these areas and on their unexpressed potential. More recently, the 2014-20 EU programming has brought attention back to these areas through the National Strategy of Inner Areas co ordinated by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. The clas sification of these areas declines the same territories as “in land”, “remote” or “marginal”, but in any case, not deprived of potential to be expressed with respect to environmental, landscape, social and even tourist resources. This work sets out to investigate the potential of Italy’s internal areas from the tourism point of view. To this end, a recent taxonomy re alized by ISTAT during the pandemic period, regarding the tourism classification of Italian municipalities based on tour ism density is used. This work, which has the task of high lighting any territorial tourism connection, alongside the identification of the predominant tourism category of each municipality, proposes composite indicators constructed ad hoc on tourism supply and demand. The combination of this information with the mapping of the internal areas allows us to verify how much tourism is actually spread in these areas and consequently to assess their tourism potential. Be fore illustrating the main empirical evidence obtained, some methodological critical issues related to the two official classifications used here will be made explicit.
Gian Pietro Zaccomer, Dario Bertocchi, "Le potenzialità turistiche delle aree interne italiane: un’analisi cartografica ottenuta dalle classificazioni ufficiali" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 176 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 72-86