Infrastrutturazione digitale in Italia tra divari e convergenze
Digital infrastructure in Italy: disparities and convergences
Cuomo, Federico
Buonocore, Maria Nicola
Digital technologies represent one of the most advanced developments of contemporary society, playing a crucial role in the economic and social context: among these, new digital infrastructures, such as ultra-wideband fibre optic networks, emerge as central enabling tools. However, the uneven distribution of this infrastructure not only generates territorial imbalance but can also contribute to amplifying socioeconomic disparities through agglomeration effects, thus identifying a new dimension of the traditional concept of the “digital divide”. Furthermore, it is relevant to consider that the provision of digital infrastructure services may in turn be influenced by the level of development of a specific territory. This research aims to explore the relationship between the distribution of digital infrastructures and territorial development. The analysis, starting from a literature review on the structural causes contributing to the digital divide and on the effectiveness of innovation in growth processes, pro poses the development of a synthetic index of territorial development for Italian provinces and the comparison between this and the availability of ultra-fast networks. The results obtained indicate, firstly, a substantial convergence towards the objectives of European and national policies and strategies, reflecting approaches of geographical space neutrality; the analysis also highlights a correlation, albeit weak, between development and digital infrastructures, with clear implications for territorial policies.
Le tecnologie digitali rappresentano uno degli sviluppi più avanzati della contemporaneità, giocando un ruolo cruciale nel contesto economico e sociale: tra queste, le nuove infrastrutture digitali, come la banda ultra-larga in fibra ottica, emergono come strumenti abilitanti centrali. Tuttavia, la distribuzione disomogenea di questa infrastruttura non solo genera un disequilibrio territoriale, ma può contribuire ad amplificare le disparità socioeconomiche attraverso effetti di agglomerazione identificando, pertanto, una nuova dimensione del concetto tradizionale di “digital divide”. Inoltre, è rilevante considerare che la fornitura del servizio dell’infrastruttura digitale potrebbe a sua volta essere influenzata dal livello di sviluppo di un determinato territorio. Questa ricerca mira a esplorare la relazione tra la distribuzione delle infrastrutture digitali e lo sviluppo territoriale. L’analisi, che parte da una revisione della letteratura sulle cause strutturali che contribuiscono al divario digitale e sull’efficacia dell’innovazione nei processi di crescita, propone l’elaborazione di un indice sintetico di sviluppo territo riale per le province italiane e il confronto fra questo e la disponibilità di rete ultraveloce. I risultati ottenuti indicano una convergenza sostanziale verso gli obiettivi delle politiche e delle strategie europee e nazionali, evidenziando, al contempo, una correlazione, sebbene debole, fra sviluppo e infrastrutture digitali, con chiare implicazioni per le politiche territoriali.
Digital technologies represent one of the most advanced developments of contemporary society, playing a crucial role in the economic and social context: among these, new digital infrastructures, such as ultra-wideband fibre optic networks, emerge as central enabling tools. However, the uneven distribution of this infrastructure not only generates territorial imbalance but can also contribute to amplifying socioeconomic disparities through agglomeration effects, thus identifying a new dimension of the traditional concept of the “digital divide”. Furthermore, it is relevant to consider that the provision of digital infrastructure services may in turn be influenced by the level of development of a specific territory. This research aims to explore the relationship between the distribution of digital infrastructures and territorial development. The analysis, starting from a literature review on the structural causes contributing to the digital divide and on the effectiveness of innovation in growth processes, pro poses the development of a synthetic index of territorial development for Italian provinces and the comparison between this and the availability of ultra-fast networks. The results obtained indicate, firstly, a substantial convergence towards the objectives of European and national policies and strategies, reflecting approaches of geographical space neutrality; the analysis also highlights a correlation, albeit weak, between development and digital infrastructures, with clear implications for territorial policies.
Federico Cuomo, Maria Nicola Buonocore, "Infrastrutturazione digitale in Italia tra divari e convergenze" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 176 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 103-116
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