Sistemi Informativi Geografici a supporto della sostenibilità turistica. Turismo lento in contesti naturali protetti
Geographical Information Systems to support tourism sustainability. Slow tourism in protected natural areas
Battino, Silvia
Balletto, Ginevra
This paper stems from the interest and research carried out on tourism in Sardinia, with particular focus on elements such as the environmental impact of the sector, the push towards slow tourism and sustainable mobility. This approach, even in more developed areas, can represent a different and deseasonalized way of appreciating, safeguarding and experiencing the territory. The opportunity is to combine different points of observation, from the land and sea side, of the territory of Sardinia. In particular, the analysis considers the municipalities of San Teodoro and La Maddalena, in the north-eastern of the island, which are characterized by an important tourist development, and takes advantage of geographic information tools such as GIS and WebGIS, for sharing research and for enhancing these territories. Starting from the previous research developed, we present a case study in the Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Protected Marine Area and in the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park, where the perspective of active and alternative tourism of the sea is privileged, as a point of observation for a visual analysis of the anthropic pressures, and of sustainable fruition around unique landscapes. In particular, we would like to present some experiences to discover the aforementioned landscapes where, through the integration of mobile geographic data acquisition tools (smartphones) and specifically devised applications (weather and atmospheric conditions, as well as apps for the outdoor enjoyment of activities), it has been possible to create a dynamic map for sharing, also with external users, through Google MyMaps platform, aimed at sustainable tourist fruition.
Il contributo nasce dall’interesse e dalle ricerche svolte nell’ambito del turismo in Sardegna, con particolare attenzione a elementi quali la pressione ambientale del settore, la spinta verso un turismo lento e la mobilità sostenibile che, anche nelle aree a maggiore antropizzazione, può rappresentare una modalità diversa e destagionalizzata per apprezzare, salvaguardare e vivere un territorio. L’occasione è quella di unire diversi punti di osservazione, dal lato terrestre e da quello marino, del territorio della Sardegna, in particolar modo nella sua parte nordorientale fra i Comuni di San Teodoro e La Maddalena, già ampiamente caratterizzata da uno sviluppo turistico importante, e approfittare degli strumenti di informazione geografica quali GIS e WebGIS, per la condivisione delle informazioni e per la valorizzazione dei territori medesimi. Partendo dalle ricerche sviluppate viene presentato un caso di studio nell’Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo e nel Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena, in cui è privilegiata l’ottica del turismo attivo e alternativo del mare, quale punto di osservazione privilegiato per un’analisi visiva delle pressioni antropiche, nonché di fruizione sostenibile di paesaggi unici. In particolare, si vogliono presentare alcune esperienze alla scoperta dei paesaggi sopra richiamati dove, attraverso l’integrazione tra strumenti di acquisizione di dati geografici mobili (smartphone) e applicazioni ad hoc (meteo e condizioni atmosferiche, oltre che app per il godimento di attività all’aria aperta), è stata realizzata una carta dinamica di condivisione, anche con utenti esterni, tramite la piattaforma Google MyMaps, finalizzata alla fruizione turistica sostenibile.
This paper stems from the interest and research carried out on tourism in Sardinia, with particular focus on elements such as the environmental impact of the sector, the push towards slow tourism and sustainable mobility. This approach, even in more developed areas, can represent a different and deseasonalized way of appreciating, safeguarding and experiencing the territory. The opportunity is to combine different points of observation, from the land and sea side, of the territory of Sardinia. In particular, the analysis considers the municipalities of San Teodoro and La Maddalena, in the north-eastern of the island, which are characterized by an important tourist development, and takes advantage of geographic information tools such as GIS and WebGIS, for sharing research and for enhancing these territories. Starting from the previous research developed, we present a case study in the Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Protected Marine Area and in the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park, where the perspective of active and alternative tourism of the sea is privileged, as a point of observation for a visual analysis of the anthropic pressures, and of sustainable fruition around unique landscapes. In particular, we would like to present some experiences to discover the aforementioned landscapes where, through the integration of mobile geographic data acquisition tools (smartphones) and specifically devised applications (weather and atmospheric conditions, as well as apps for the outdoor enjoyment of activities), it has been possible to create a dynamic map for sharing, also with external users, through Google MyMaps platform, aimed at sustainable tourist fruition.
Silvia Battino, Giuseppe Borruso, Ginevra Balletto, "Sistemi Informativi Geografici a supporto della sostenibilità turistica. Turismo lento in contesti naturali protetti" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 176 (2022)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 87-102
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