01 The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins
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Bruno Callegher
The 'Simone Assemani' Symposia
Nintzan Amitai-Preiss
Daniele Castrizio
Ritrovamenti di monete arabo-bizantine dagli scavi d’Antinopoli d’Egitto. Note preliminari
Michele Asolati
Frèdèric Bauden
Nikolaus Schindel
The Balkh 93 AH fulus revisited
M. Amalia De Luca
La riforma monetaria dell’aġlabita Ibrāhīm II
Vincenza Grassi
Notes on Ideology and Religious Beliefs in the Islamic and Norman Coinages Circulating in Sicily
Andrea Saccocci
Nastich Vladimir
Persian Legend on Islamic Coins : From Traditional Arabic to the Challenge of Leadership
Atef M. M. Ramadan
Coinage of al-Ghuzzal-‘irāqiyya and its Relationto the Seljuq Conquest
Vladimir A. Belyaev-Sergey V.
Apropos of the 13thCentury Copper dirhams of Bukhara with Chinese Characters
Schultz Warren
The Silver Coinage of the Mamluk Caliph and Sultan al-Musta'in bi'llah (815/1412)
Norman D. Nicol
The Post-Ottoman Conquest Coinage of Egypt
Frèdèric Bauden
La collection des monnaies islamiques du Musée Bottacin (Padoue). Présentation et évaluation
Arianna D’Ottone
La collezione di monete arabe dei Musei Capitolini. Storia e materiali
The volume gathers the Proceedings of the second International Symposium ‘Simone Assemani’ on Islamic Numismatics (Trieste, 29-31 August 2008). The papers, by Italian and international scholars, deal with various domains of the Numismatic research covering a wide chronological and geographical span. Seals, coins from archaeological excavations, Arabic coins with Persian legends or with Chinese characters and contributions on Islamic coin collections in Italy are some of the themes of the fifteen papers published. Moreover these papers examine, among other topics, the coins from Islamic and Norman Sicily, the coinage of the Mamluk and post-Ottoman conquest of Egypt and the great export of silver from Europe to Islamic lands at the beginning of the XIIIth century.
Bruno Callegher: His scientific interests can be defined in two major research ambits, one relating to Roman coin finds in North-Eastern Italy, the other regarding Byzantine coinage. He has been Keeper at the ‘Museo Bottacin’ in Padua and since 2006 associate professor of Numismatics at the University of Trieste.
Arianna D’Ottone: Researcher of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Sapienza – University of Rome. In 2006 she received the N. Lowick Grant from the Royal Numismatic Society and at present she is carrying out the study of the Stanzani Collection kept at the Capitoline Museums.