Русский мир и его границы: смеховая культура и политическая сатира (российские и украинские телесериалы)
Russian World and its Borders: Laugh Culture and Political Satire (Russian and Ukrainian TV Series)
Kalinin, Ilya
Kaminskij, Konstantin
Zotina, Anna
Inspired by the notion of the laughing culture, the paper unpacks the evolution of genres of political humor in Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Routed in one common TV culture, the post-Soviet entertainment markets in Russia and Ukraine were closely interconnected until 2014. After the Russian annexation of Crimea and the breakout of war in Eastern Ukraine, the genres of political humor evolved in the Ukrainian language. Also, with the series The Servant of the People (2016) the genre of political satire developed in Ukraine and unfolded its subversive potential as an unconventional electoral campaign by transforming an entertainment product into political power. Inspired by this overwhelming success of a freshly reinvented genre, comparable comedy series, such as House Arrest (2018) and The Year of Culture (2018) were produced also in Russia. Despite being highly popular and touching upon politically charged motifs, these Russian comedy series show a lack of subversive potential which lies at the core of political humor.
Опираясь на понятие смеховой куль- туры, статья раскрывает эволюцию жанров политического юмора в Рос- сии и Украине после распада Совет- ского Союза. Постсоветские рынки развлекательной медиапродукции в России и Украине были тесно связаны между собой до 2014 года. После аннексии Крыма Россией на украинском языке стали разви- ваться собственные модусы полити- ческого юмора. Сериал Слуга народа (2016) стал наиболее ярким приме- ром политической сатиры, раскрыв ее критический социальный потен- циал и конвертировав развлекатель- ный контент в политическую власть. Вдохновленные успехом только что актуализированного жанра, анало- гичные комедийные сериалы были сняты и в России. Однако, несмотря на большую популярность и сатири- ческую направленность на поли- тические темы, рассматриваемые в статье российские комедийные сериалы Домашний арест (2018) и Год культуры (2018) демонстрируют полное отсутствие подрывного по- тенциала, работая как своеобразная форма аффирмации подвергаемых осмеянию явлений.
Inspired by the notion of the laughing culture, the paper unpacks the evolution of genres of political humor in Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Routed in one common TV culture, the post-Soviet entertainment markets in Russia and Ukraine were closely interconnected until 2014. After the Russian annexation of Crimea and the breakout of war in Eastern Ukraine, the genres of political humor evolved in the Ukrainian language. Also, with the series The Servant of the People (2016) the genre of political satire developed in Ukraine and unfolded its subversive potential as an unconventional electoral campaign by transforming an entertainment product into political power. Inspired by this overwhelming success of a freshly reinvented genre, comparable comedy series, such as House Arrest (2018) and The Year of Culture (2018) were produced also in Russia. Despite being highly popular and touching upon politically charged motifs, these Russian comedy series show a lack of subversive potential which lies at the core of political humor.
Ilya Kalinin, Konstantin Kaminskij, Anna Zotina, "Русский мир и его границы: смеховая культура и политическая сатира (российские и украинские телесериалы)" in: "Slavica Tergestina 31 (2023/II)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 212-288
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