Аспекти визуелизације у склопу теме хране на примјеру зборника «Пир» Владимира Сорокина
Aspects of visualization as part of the topic of food on the example of Vladimir Sorokin’s “Pir”
Stanković, Snježana
Vladimir Sorokin, in search of his own poetic picture of the world, forms a literary manifesto based on the theme of food. The dominant themes and motifs, and the manner of writing and shaping literary texts that are characterized by fragmentation and deconstruction are revealed in his works, which are shaped like literal recipes. According to the collection Pir, literature is an aesthetic game, playing with cultural canons, stylistic, genre and linguistic possibilities. We set the goal of the research to study the topic of kitchen/food through aspects of visualization. This kind of approach reveals in what forms it is realized and, accordingly, what meanings the use of food forms. Exploring the possibilities of visualization, the author re-examines the relationship between man and the masses, the role and shaping of literary aesthetics, and by clashing them, he shows the impersonality of culture and existence. Therefore, our analysis of the value of visualization within the topic of food is focused on the study of the form of the anthology, but also the dominant themes and motifs through which the desacralization of human values and the mechanization of the personality are shown, as well as the liberation of the established composition and genre paradigm.
Трагајући за сопственом поетском сликом свијета, Владимир Соро- кин формира књижевни манифест заснован на теми хране. Његова дјела су обликована као литерални рецепти који откривају иманентну поетику писца – доминантне теме и мотиве, те манир писања и обли- ковања књижевних текстова који се одликују фрагментарношћу и де- конструкцијом. Зборник Пир (2000) показује да је књижевност за Со- рокина естетска игра, поигравање културним канонима, стилским, жанровским и језичким могућности- ма. За циљ истраживања поставили смо проучавање теме кухиње/хране кроз аспекте визуелизације. Овакав приступ открива у којим се облици- ма реализује и, сходно томе, каква значења формира употреба хране. Истражујући могућности визуелиза- ције, аутор преиспитује однос човјека и масе, улогу и обликовање књижев- не естетике, а њиховим сукобља- вањем показује и безличност културе и егзистенције. Стога је наша анализа вриједности визуелизације у оквиру теме хране усмјерена на проучавање форме зборника, али и доминантних тема и мотива посредством којих се приказује десакрализација хума- них вриједности и машинизација личности, али и ослобађање устаљене композиције и жанровске парадигме.
Vladimir Sorokin, in search of his own poetic picture of the world, forms a literary manifesto based on the theme of food. The dominant themes and motifs, and the manner of writing and shaping literary texts that are characterized by fragmentation and deconstruction are revealed in his works, which are shaped like literal recipes. According to the collection Pir, literature is an aesthetic game, playing with cultural canons, stylistic, genre and linguistic possibilities. We set the goal of the research to study the topic of kitchen/food through aspects of visualization. This kind of approach reveals in what forms it is realized and, accordingly, what meanings the use of food forms. Exploring the possibilities of visualization, the author re-examines the relationship between man and the masses, the role and shaping of literary aesthetics, and by clashing them, he shows the impersonality of culture and existence. Therefore, our analysis of the value of visualization within the topic of food is focused on the study of the form of the anthology, but also the dominant themes and motifs through which the desacralization of human values and the mechanization of the personality are shown, as well as the liberation of the established composition and genre paradigm.
Сњежана Станковић, "Аспекти визуелизације у склопу теме хране на примјеру зборника «Пир» Владимира Сорокина" in: "Slavica Tergestina 31 (2023/II)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 320-349
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