Videology and Digital Appearance. Can Communication Still Be Ethically Restrained?
Paic, Žarko
The problem with open communication today does not stem from the condition of post totalitarian censorship of information, but from the fact that every technological advance with so called social networks always means a breakthrough of ethical-political boundaries in understanding the Other. If information constitutes the essence of cybernetics, then its acceleration, dissemination, and storage aim beyond the limits of communicative irrationality, to twist Habermas' famous formulation about public consensus as the basis of liberal democracy. Instead of a metaphysical grand narrative about the rule of the principle of identity and a sufficient reason for explaining phenomena in the world, we encounter a cybernetic turn. The videological turn indicates the breaking of ethical boundaries. Instead of restricting freedoms, it is much more significant to go beyond the borders of the global society of control as the first and last station on the way to a new technological singularity.
Žarko Paic, "Videology and Digital Appearance. Can Communication Still Be Ethically Restrained?" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2024) XXVI/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2024, pp. 13-32
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