Dalla relazione di riconoscimento all’eticità
Fanciullacci, Riccardo
The paper discusses the recognition theory elaborated by Lucio Cortella in his book: L’ethos del riconoscimento. Starting from the criticalities identified in that theory, the paper offers the outlines of an alternative theory. For Cortella, a good theory of the recognition relationship cannot conceive it as a simple intersubjective relationship: between the interacting subjects, a third instance must be introduced to act as a mediator. For Cortella, however, this third instance is reduced to a minimal ethics of a transcendental nature. After criticising this thesis, another is defended and developed. According to this other thesis, the third instance between interacting subjects must be conceived as a thick ethical background, which includes norms, customs, traditions, forms of relationships and institutions. The conclusion is that a good theory of recognition must be inscribed in a more complex theory of society in which the latter is not reduced to a multiplicity of interactions.
Riccardo Fanciullacci, "Dalla relazione di riconoscimento all’eticità" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2024) XXVI/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2024, pp. 103-195
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