La Cittadella: il baluardo del patrimonio modenese
The Cittadella: the bastion of cultural heritage in Modena, Italy
Bertacchini, Milena
This paper presented the results of a heritage education project which has taken urban heritage as a key to local historical memory and real everyday life, capable of catalyzing the attention of the public and the various cultural institutions operating in the area. The cartographic and documentary heritage, preserved at the Modena Municipal Historical Archives and the Gemma University Museum, has been an indispensable tool for training and disseminating scientific culture, also useful in nurturing an education for active and participatory citizenship. The project course involved about one hundred students in consulting, reading and interpreting cartographic representations. The project concluded at GeoNight 2023 inside the only surviving artifact of what was once the front door of the fortified Cittadella of Modena. Students involved were thus able to explore firsthand the place they discovered through maps and documentary sources.
Il progetto di educazione al patrimonio culturale “La Cittadella: il baluardo del patrimonio modenese” è stato sviluppato usando il valore del patrimonio come chiave di lettura delle bellezze e delle fragilità del territorio locale. Le attività hanno coinvolto un centinaio di studenti nella consultazione, nella lettura e nell’interpretazione di fonti documentarie e rappresentazioni cartografiche di diverse epoche per andare alla (ri)scoperta della Cittadella fortificata di origine seicentesca, un luogo importante e iconico del paesaggio urbano modenese di cui il manufatto noto come Baluardo della Cittadella è l’unico testimone rimasto.
This paper presented the results of a heritage education project which has taken urban heritage as a key to local historical memory and real everyday life, capable of catalyzing the attention of the public and the various cultural institutions operating in the area. The cartographic and documentary heritage, preserved at the Modena Municipal Historical Archives and the Gemma University Museum, has been an indispensable tool for training and disseminating scientific culture, also useful in nurturing an education for active and participatory citizenship. The project course involved about one hundred students in consulting, reading and interpreting cartographic representations. The project concluded at GeoNight 2023 inside the only surviving artifact of what was once the front door of the fortified Cittadella of Modena. Students involved were thus able to explore firsthand the place they discovered through maps and documentary sources.
Milena Bertacchini, "La Cittadella: il baluardo del patrimonio modenese" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 178 (2023)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 86-97
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