Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.11 - 2009

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Nadine Celotti, Marella Magris


Sezione 1

Anna Giambagli

Quando l’istituzione parla la lingua del turismo: un percorso comunicativo tra parola e immagine

Maria Cristina Palazzi

Ospiti di Gente Unica: claim e strategia di promozione turistica

Maria Cristina Palazzi

Friuli Venezia Giulia: una promozione turistica all’insegna dell’ospitalità e dell’unicità

Helena Lozano Miralles

Il sistemamuseale d’Ateneo dell’Università di Trieste in spagnolo: un’esperienza didattica di traduzione attiva

Celotti Nadine

Traduire pour accueillir l’étranger en voyage. Qu’en est-il des sites web touristiques institutionnels sur Trieste, “la plus ‘mitteleuropéenne’ des villes italiennes”

Sezione 2

Cynthia Jane Kellett Bidoli

Audiovisual film translation: ‘Jamaican English’ to Italian

Silvia Campanini

La verifica dell’idoneità alla traduzione: un case study

Monica Randaccio

Drama translation as textual and cultural transformation

Sara Szoc

Come tradurre il passato italiano in neerlandese? Uno studio contrastivo fra La coscienza di Zeno e la traduzione neerlandese di Jenny Tuin

Sonia Della Libera

Interpreting in business settings: dynamics and patterns at play

Sezione 3

Cinzia Orlando

Blogging about London: comparing the Italian and Anglo-American tourist gaze

Angela D'Egidio

Eyeing Puglia: comparing the tourist gaze in English, Italian and German travel articles

Paola Valli

La qualità nella localizzazione: l’esempio di Lionbridge Technologies Inc.

Martina Garbinato

Translating sociological discourse. Robert Gooding- Williams’s Look, A Negro!

Francesco Torchitti

Décalage e unità di senso nelle interpretazioni simultanee dall’arabo in italiano



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  • Publication
    Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.11 - 2009
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009)
      1473  4277
  • Publication
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009)
      904  287
  • Publication
    Décalage e unità di senso nelle interpretazioni simultanee dall’arabo in italiano
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009)
    Torchitti, Francesco
    The paper has been inspired by a personal curiosity to study simultaneous interpreting fromArabic into Italian. On the basis of live-satellite simultaneous interpretations, the analysis focuses on a specific simultaneous interpretation element: the ear-voice span. This yardstick has been related to the unit of speech, that is to say the speaker’s part of speech corresponding to the interpreter’s silence, which is the starting point of the interpreter’s translation. All potential syntactic, semantic and pragmatic clues of the unit of speech have been taken into account during the study. Thanks to this procedure, the main elements determining the ear-voice span in the analysed simultaneous interpretations have been pointed out. The results of the paper show how ear-voice span – and the subsequent shaping of the unit of speech – is not strictly connected to and determined by Arabic syntax. Further non-syntactic elements may highly influence the length of the décalage. As a matter of fact, the importance of pragmatic and prosodic clues has been confirmed.
      1426  1011
  • Publication
    Translating sociological discourse. Robert Gooding- Williams’s Look, A Negro!
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009)
    Garbinato, Martina
    This article presents a commentary on some aspects dealing with specialized translation of the languages of philosophy and sociology of racism. After being published in journals of philosophy and collective works, the articles analyzed here appeared in Gooding-Williams’s 2006 volume Look, a Negro!: Philosophical Essays on Race, Culture and Politics. Devoted to some of the themes at hand in the debate about anti-black racismin contemporary America, these essays show the author’s commitment to his subject, reporting his colleagues’ ideas and presenting his own. They are written in a warm, engaging style, which aims at persuading the reader to take side in the debate about anti-black racismand – possibly – to agree with their author.
      1378  382
  • Publication
    La qualità nella localizzazione: l’esempio di Lionbridge Technologies Inc.
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009)
    Valli, Paola
    Localization can be considered a production process and as such is subject to the laws of the market, its quality standards and philosophy (Total Quality Management). The same standards can be applied to the processes involved in a localization project, such as the translation phase which is commonly outsourced to language service providers or localization companies. The translation phase can be further broken down into a process component and a product component, each with its own quality standards. However, quality in translation is amuch debated subject and does not lend itself to a straightforward application tomarket scenarios, let alone localization. This is why criteria to evaluate translation within the scope of a localization project need to be clearly established. Once the appropriate criteria and error categories are selected, a linguistic inspection should provide an objective and quantifiable evaluation of the quality level of a translation. A means to measure translation quality is the Translation Quality Index used at Lionbridge Technologies Inc., a localization company which will be the main source of examples for this article.
      1625  848