Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste: an International Journal of Mathematics vol.36 (2004)


Editorial policy The journal Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’università di Trieste publishes original articles in all areas of mathematics. Special regard is given to research papers, but attractive expository papers may also be considered for publication. The journal usually appears in one issue per year. Additional issues may however be published. In particular, the Managing Editors may consider the publication of supplementary volumes related to some special events, like conferences, workshops, and advanced schools. All submitted papers will be refereed. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the work has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Our journal can be obtained by exchange agreements with other similar journals.

Instructions for Authors Authors are invited to submit their papers by e-mail directly to one of the Managing Editors in PDF format. All the correspondence regarding the submission and the editorial process of the paper are done by e-mail. Papers have to be written in one of the following languages: English, French, German, or Italian. Abstracts should not exceed ten printed lines, except for papers written in French, German, or Italian, for which an extended English summary is required. After acceptance, manuscripts have to be prepared in LaTeX using the style rendiconti.cls which can be downloaded from the web page. Any figure should be recorded in a single PDF, PS (PostScript), or EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 8
  • Publication
    Il perenne ritorno delle somme di Riemann-Stieltjes nell'evoluzione del calcolo integrale
    (Università degli Studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, 2004)
    Mawhin, Jean
      726  573
  • Publication
    On higher order complete-vertical and horizontal lifts of complex structures
    (Università degli Studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, 2004)
    Tekkoyun, Mehmet
    In this paper, we will obtain the (r,s) order completevertical lifts and horizontal lifts of order higher of the complex structures on complex manifold M to the canonical extensions.
      823  584
  • Publication
    Higher order lifts of complex structures
    (Università degli Studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, 2004)
    Tekkoyun, Mehmet
    Civelek, Şevket
    Görgülü, Ali
    We study about lifts on extended complex manifold. More clearly, we will obtain higher order vertical and complete lifts of differentiable elements on complex manifold M to the extended complex manifold kM.
      1204  733
  • Publication
    Mathematical study of a parabolic system describing the evolution of the solar magnetic field
    (Università degli Studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, 2004)
    Gianni, Roberto
    Mannucci, Paola
    We study a system of two strongly coupled parabolic equations describing a solar dynamo wave. We investigate the existence and uniqueness of a classical solution and the existence of a periodic in time solution. In the Appendix, an existence result of periodic solutions for an auxiliary quasilinear parabolic equation is provided, together with a C0 estimate of such solution.
      1002  551
  • Publication
    Lower bounds of Fucik eigenvalues of the weighted one dimensional p-Laplacian
    (Università degli Studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, 2004)
    Pinasco, Juan Pablo
    In this paper we obtain a family of curves bounding the region which contains all the non trivial Fucik eigenvalues of the weighted one dimensional p laplacian with Neumann boundary conditions. We obtain different proofs of the isolation result of the trivial lines, and the existence of a gap at infinity between the first curve and the trivial lines. We also give a lower bound for the eigenvalues of the p-Laplacian with Neumann boundary conditions.
      997  571