Encountering Otherness. Diversities and Transcultural Experiences in Early Modern European Culture
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Abbattista Guido
Abbattista Guido
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Guido Abbattista, Professor of Modern History and Director of the Doctoral School in the Humanities at the University of Trieste (Italy), is a specialist of eighteenth-century historical and political culture in France and the Anglo-American world, particularly on colonial and imperial themes and the representation of human diversity. He has written on British colonial ideologies, republican political thought and empire, French historiography and the non-European world and English political historiography. He published critical editions of works by Lord Bolingbroke, Edmund Burke, the abbĂ© Raynal and Anquetil-Duperron, and authored books on James Mill and British India (1979), the English Universal History and colonial historiography (1989), the American Revolution (1998) and the European expansion in Asia (2002). On the cultural history of human diversity he has co-edited two previous collections of essays, The Problem of Human Diversity in the European Cultural Experience of the Eighteenth Century (Cromohs, 8, 2003,) and Le problĂšme de lââaltĂ©ritĂ©â dans la culture europĂ©enne aux 18e et 19e siĂšcles: anthropologie, politique et religion (Napoli: Bibliopolis, 2006). His more recent research regards âlive human ethno-exhibitionsâ in early-modern Europe and nineteenth-century Italian anthropological culture and the perceptions of racial differences. He has been director of several national and international research projects, among which the MIUR-Interlink project âEUO-European Culture and the Understanding of âOthernessâ: Historiography, Politics and the Sciences of Man in the Birth of the Modern World (Sixteenth-Nineteenth Centuries)â, from which the present volume has originated.