Madagascar ‘possession française’? L’historiographie coloniale en débat: une mise en perspective
Platania, Marco
This article traces the development of the major historical narrative of French colonization of Madagascar and questions the capacity of this narrative to account for local culture and local history. Since its very beginning in seventeenth century up to late twentieth century, this narrative looked at Madagascar from a national and Eurocentric point of view: indeed, the history of Madagascar was confused with the history of France in Madagascar, or oriented by the French interests in Madagascar. Given this general settings, the article pleas for a closer recognition of different moments and actors that constructed French historical imagination of Madagascar. Focusing on some major historical writings, it provides examples of the tensions, ruptures, and criticism that agitated the production of colonial historiography. By doing so, the article suggests that non-retrospective and non-teleological study of the transformations and diversity of historical writings on non-European cultures can indeed cast a new light on European culture itself, and increase dialogue with other cultures. This consideration brings to the recognition that the writing of colonial history has undergone a sharp transformation since the last twenty years at least.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Paul Cohen, "Madagascar ‘possession française’? L’historiographie coloniale en débat: une mise en perspective", in Guido Abbattista (edited by), Encountering Otherness. Diversities and Transcultural Experiences in Early Modern European Culture, pp. 267-284.