Democracy and Law: Situating Law within John Dewey’s Democratic Vision
Butler, Brian
In this paper I argue that John Dewey developed a philosophy of law that follows directly
from his conception of democracy. Indeed, under Dewey’s theory an understanding of law
can only follow from an accurate understanding of the social and political context within
which it functions. This has important implications for the form law takes within democratic
society. The paper will explore these implications through a comparison of Dewey’s
claims with those of Richard Posner and Ronald Dworkin; two other theorists that intimately
link law and democracy. After outlining their theories I will use the recent United
States Supreme Court case, Citizens United, to discuss how practitioners of the three theories
would decide a case that implicates both the rule of law and democratic procedures. In
order to do this judges following each theory, “Dews, Dworks and Poses,” are imagined. Ultimately
this paper will show that drastically different results to Citizens United would follow.
The (tentative) conclusion of the paper is that Dewey’s conception of the relationship
between democracy and law is a superior option to either that of Dworkin or Posner.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XII (2010) 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Brian Butler, "Democracy and Law: Situating Law within John Dewey’s Democratic Vision", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XII (2010) 1, pp. 256−280.