Introduzione alle antichità nubiane


Questo studio offre un aggiornato ma necessariamente sintetico quadro delle conoscenze relative all’archeologia e alla storia della Nubia antica, evidenziando al contempo anche le loro lacune, i problemi e le prospettive di ricerca, con particolare riferimento ai contatti e alle interazioni con le regioni vicine. Esso si propone di contribuire a rendere noto il ruolo della Nubia nei processi storici non solo dell’Africa nordorientale ma anche di aree più lontane, evidenziando l’interesse che la regione dovrebbe rivestire per gli studiosi del Vicino Oriente e del Mediterraneo antichi.

This study offers an updated, but necessarily synthetic, framework of knowledge about archeology and the history of ancient Nubia, while highlighting their gaps, problems and perspectives of research, with particular reference to contacts and interactions with neighboring regions. It aims to help to make Nubia's role in the historical processes not only of North-East Africa, but also of the more remote areas, highlighting the interest that the region should cover for the Middle East and Mediterranean scholars.


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Introduzione alle antichità Nubiane
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007)
    Manzo, Andrea
    This study offers an updated, but necessarily synthetic, framework of knowledge about archeology and the history of ancient Nubia, while highlighting their gaps, problems and perspectives of research, with particular reference to contacts and interactions with neighboring regions. It aims to help to make Nubia's role in the historical processes not only of North-East Africa, but also of the more remote areas, highlighting the interest that the region should cover for the Middle East and Mediterranean scholars.
      1982  8216