Il primato della contingenza e la premessa politica del discorso etico: riflessioni sulla filosofia del giovane Heidegger
Menga, Ferdinando G.
More than trying to make explicit an ethical discourse that – for whichever
reason – would have remained only implicit in Heidegger’s philosophy, the
aim of this article is to trace, in Heidegger’s work, the eventual presence of
the structural premises for such a discourse. Premises which, in our perspective,
can be brought back to the following two elements: first of all, to the
character of contingency of experience and absence of ontological foundation,
which only makes ethics a genuine discourse of responsibility and not a simple
application of pre-given rules; and, second (given such lack of ontological
foundation), to the unavoidable political institution of this same discourse.
Now, the pivotal point of this article is that such premises, in Heidegger’s
work, far from being traceable in Being and Time or in his later works, are to
be rather found in his previous texts, and precisely in his early Freiburg lectures
(from 1919 to 1923), in which his thought appears to be still not so
much seduced by an ontological drive.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XI (2009) 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Ferdinando G. Menga, "Il primato della contingenza e la premessa politica del discorso etico: riflessioni sulla filosofia del giovane Heidegger", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XI (2009) 1, pp. 109-156.