Outsourcing to Central and Eastern Europe: the Free Zone Role
Pines, Mario
The present stage of globalization, liberalization and consequent intense and expanding economic activities has rapidly swollen in recent years, over all the industrially developed world and has recently produced a shift from low wage labor to specialize labor, by and large towards capital intense processes spread worldwide trough industrial delocalization. The special and potential status of the Trieste Free Port Zones, as extended and addressed specifically all through the border areas, by Slovenia Accession Agreement, provides the related commercial, financial and enforceable international law covenants and procedures. At present, the income of holding company activities within Italy and the Trieste Free Port Zones, is taxed, as previously said, at the rate of 1,80 % over foreign incomes and without any withholding taxation whenever expatriated to controlling entities residing outside the UE, the Italian Government has anticipated its decision to reduce it to 1,5 % (35% of 5%) art. 96bis TUIR (Italian Taxing Code). The mechanism of Free Zones provide a transient instrument in order to coordinate and monitor the leveling of the economic homogenization and development leaving room to the more stringent issue linked to the overpopulation in a high level and standards consuming society.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Mario Pines, "Outsourcing to Central and Eastern Europe: the Free Zone Role", in: Trasporti. Diritto, economia, politica, 88 (2002), pp. 7-32.