The liberalization of port services in the framework of port security legislation
Trampus, Francesca
As ports are part of a logistic network, many European ports are already security systems to protect also those infrastructures which are not covered by Reg. 725/2004, that is the entire port area and the hinterland connections to the port. EU Regulation 725/2004 provides for security measures which only cover the physical area between the ship and the port. It is clear that international, Community and national legislation must provide ports world-wide with the guidelines for the development of an effective security plan. The main problem now is to ascertain the effectiveness of all these security measures implemented in the fight against terrorism and of other unlawful acts threatening ports, to make the implications of EU directives and regulations more manageable, and to determine clearly the allocation of costs and their repercussion on port services liberalization.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Francesca Trampus, "The liberalization of port services in the framework of port security legislation", Trasporti. Diritto, economia, politica, 97 (2005), pp. 83-96