Il sistema marittimo-portuale del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Aspetti economici, statistici e storici


Il sistema marittimo-portuale del Friuli Venezia Giulia ha vissuto, e sta vivendo, una rapida trasformazione. La ricerca documentata in questo volume, finanziata dal Fondo Trieste, cerca di tracciarne le linee evolutive dal punto di vista economico, statistico e storico, valutando in che modo esso è interconnesso con il resto del sistema economico regionale, nazionale, internazionale, ed esaminando le caratteristiche dell’organizzazione del lavoro e dei modelli produttivi, dal 1987 al 2007, in una delle realtà industriali più importanti sviluppatasi a fianco delle attività portuali: il cantiere di Monfalcone. Inoltre sono discussi i concetti, storicamente determinati, utilizzati per immaginare la storia del porto di Trieste e quindi impiegati come parte della costruzione di ‘ragionamenti razionali’ sul destino e sullo sviluppo economico del porto stesso, cercando di verificarne la qualità, la veridicità, l’attualità e la funzionalità.

Friuli Venezia Giulia's maritime-port system has lived and is experiencing rapid transformation. The research documented in this volume, financed by the Trieste Fund, seeks to trace its evolutionary lines from the economic, statistical and historical point of view, assessing how it is interconnected with the rest of the regional, national and international economic system, and examining the characteristics of the organization of work and production models, from 1987 to 2007, in one of the most important industrial realities developed alongside the port activities: the Monfalcone yard. Also discussed are the historically determined concepts used to imagine the history of the Trieste port, and hence used as part of the construction of 'rationale reasoning' on the destiny and economic development of the port itself, trying to verify its quality, truthfulness, topicality and functionality.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Il sistema marittimo-portuale del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Aspetti economici, statistici e storici
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2011)
    Danielis, Romeo
    Friuli Venezia Giulia's maritime-port system has lived and is experiencing rapid transformation. The research documented in this volume, financed by the Trieste Fund, seeks to trace its evolutionary lines from the economic, statistical and historical point of view, assessing how it is interconnected with the rest of the regional, national and international economic system, and examining the characteristics of the organization of work and production models, from 1987 to 2007, in one of the most important industrial realities developed alongside the port activities: the Monfalcone yard. Also discussed are the historically determined concepts used to imagine the history of the Trieste port, and hence used as part of the construction of 'rationale reasoning' on the destiny and economic development of the port itself, trying to verify its quality, truthfulness, topicality and functionality.
      1598  3135
  • Publication
    Immaginare il porto/immaginare Trieste. Strategie portuali, geografie dei traffici e saturazione del territorio e dello spazio ecologico
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2011)
    Andreozzi, Daniele
    The paper proposes an analysis of some traditional ideas of the historical research about the port of Trieste, as for instance the role of Habsburg monarchy in the development of the port and of the town, and the turning-point of First World War. The importance of examining such concepts its great, because they are still used in the elaboration of development strategies for the city.
      1186  1106
  • Publication
    Tute blu e principesse. L’organizzazione del lavoro nel cantiere di Monfalcone (1987-2007)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2011)
    Panariti, Loredana
    This paper analyses the organization of the workflow in the shipyard of Monfalcone, and the changes which it has undergone because of its specialisation in the building of cruise ships from the mid-’80’s on. The research focuses on the social and demographic consequences of the phenomenon. The deep modifications into the organization of the work, required by the new economic situation, should anyway respect the worker’s rights and competences.
      1022  2310
  • Publication
    Il disegno dell’indagine sul sistema portuale
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2011)
    Monte, Adriana
    This work addresses the issue of reliable collections of data for research into portual systems at a regional scale, in particolar with respect to the most useful sources. The paper describes a study focused on the portual system of Friuli Venezia Giulia, carried on between 2008 and 2010. A database of the industrial population of the relevant area is sketched out in its general lines; this is needed in order to pursue the research with greater statistical accuracy.
      928  837
  • Publication
    Il sistema marittimo-portuale del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Caratteristiche strutturali e interdipendenze settoriali
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2011)
    Danielis, Romeo
    This paper aims at investigating the main economic and industrial features of the portual system of Friuli Venezia Giulia, as well as its role within the regional economic system. The research focuses on the transportation of goods, and the analysis is narrowed to the year 2007. As a system scale case study, this work is largely innovative, and should be further carried on in order to show the future development of its object.
      1338  2208