International competitors and Chinese ports
Cazzaniga Francesetti, Dionisia
The aim of the paper is to inquire on how and why large liner shipping companies and international
terminal operators have achieved power over Chinese ports.
Liner shipping companies and large terminal operators are fighting for control over the extensive web
of commercial relations that China has set up within a short span of time in Asia, acquiring space in the
terminals. The increase of throughput in the Chinese ports also underlines the need for the development of
ports infrastructures, services and high level of management.
Firstly we describe the network of trade through which China is engaged in commercial relations with
the rest of the world, and in particular with the other Asian countries. Secondly we underline the
structural and management peculiarities of most important ports of the three main Chinese zones and the
presence of large lines companies and terminal operators. Thirdly we outline in short the cooperative
action shown by the Chinese and by the great liner shipping companies to jointly manage the Chinese
European Transport / Trasporti Europei
IX (2004) 27
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
ISTIEE Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell’integrazione economica europea
Dionisia Cazzaniga Francesetti, "International competitors and Chinese ports", in: European Transport / Trasporti Europei, IX (2004) 27, pp. 15-25