Tools for identifying biodiversity: progress and problems
Editor(s) •
Nimis, Pier Luigi
Vignes Lebbe, Régine
The correct identification of organisms is fundamental not only for the assessment and the conservation of biodiversity, but also in agriculture, forestry, the food and pharmaceutical industries, forensic biology, and in the broad field of formal and informal education at all levels. In this book, the reader will find short presentations of current and upcoming projects (EDIT, KeyToNature, STERNA, Species 2000, Fishbase, BHL, ViBRANT, etc.), plus a large panel of short articles on software, taxonomic applications, use of e-keys in the educational field, and practical applications. Single-access keys are now available on most recent electronic devices; the collaborative and semantic web opens new ways to develop and to share applications; the automatic processing of molecular data and images is now based on validated systems; identification tools appear as an efficient support for environmental education and training; the monitoring of invasive and protected species and the study of climate change require intensive identifications of specimens, which opens new markets for identification research.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Pier Luigi Nimis and Régine Vignes Lebbe (eds.), “Tools for identifying biodiversity: progress and problems”, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010, pp. 455.