Urban mobility and freight distribution service: best practices and lessons learnt in the MEROPE Interreg III B project
Frosini, Paolo
Huntingford, Jessica
Ambrosino, Giorgio
MEROPE (Telematic instruments for innovative services for mobility and logistic in urban and
metropolitan areas), an INTERREG III B MEDOCC (Western Mediterranean) area project, started in
September 2002 and ended in October 2004. In particular MEROPE addressed axis 3 - Transport Systems
and Information Society; Measure 3.4 - Innovative communication and information technologies for the
development of the territory. MEROPE’s overall objective was to investigate and develop evaluation
models and telematic instruments to manage mobility and logistics in urban and metropolitan areas, in
order to promote the development and application of innovative Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in support of integrated transport systems.
A total of 14 cities were involved in the project, between them carrying out 9 study projects and 7
demonstration projects oriented towards the analysis and definition of mobility, transport and logistics
chain features, with particular attention to their impacts in terms of environment, sustainability and
This paper presents the development of the Merope project both at interregional level and in terms of
the work carried out in each local site. Rather that a straightforward description of the work, however, it
concentrates largely on an analysis of the project’s best practices and added value. As the project is now
closed both in terms of activities and financial management, its current importance lies in its
sustainability and transferability. Thus this paper will analyse the innovative actions carried out in
Merope, within the general economic, social and political context of mobility and logistics, in order to
identify what Merope has brought to the sector and what indeed remains to be done.
European Transport / Trasporti Europei
X (2004) 28
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
ISTIEE Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell’integrazione economica europea
Paolo Frosini, Jessica Huntingford, Giorgio Ambrosino, "Urban mobility and freight distribution service: best practices and lessons learnt in the MEROPE Interreg III B project", in: European Transport / Trasporti Europei, X (2004) 28, pp. 44-56