
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Using conjoint analysis to investigate preferences of inhabitants for the future of a greyfield area: an application to the Old Port in Trieste
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Massiani, Jérôme
    Rosato, Paolo
    In developed countries, abandoned industrial (derelict or underused) areas often occupy important parts of the cities. This raises issues about the reuse of these areas as well as on the conservation of industrial heritage they often entail. In order to help decision maker in understanding the preferences of inhabitants for different reuse possibilities, different techniques have been used in the literature. Most of them were based on Contingent Valuation techniques, while the competing approach, Conjoint Analysis, has barely been used in this area of research. In this article, we present the results of a Conjoint Analysis experiment on the reuse of a large, partly abandoned, port area in Trieste (Italy) featuring buildings with intermediate historical and industrial heritage value. Three hundred computer-assisted interviews have been made on a representative sample of Trieste inhabitants, eliciting their preferences for different reuse hypotheses and building conservation scenarios. The collected data have been processed using Latent Class and Mixed Logit models to explore heterogeneity among interviewees' preferences. Our findings indicate a very clear preference in favour of tourism and leisure oriented uses. On the other hand, preferences in terms of conservation and the impact of cost are much more difficult to measure. This difficulty persists even when specified or non specified heterogeneity is taken into account, although Mixed Logit estimates provide more convincing results.
      1048  2435
  • Publication
    Port Authorities as cluster managers: the case of the Ligurian ports
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Baccelli, Oliviero
    Percoco, M.
    Tedeschi, A.
    The paper analyses the role of Port Authorities as cluster managers able to generate resources for investments with benefits for the intermodal transport chain as a whole. Assessment is made of Port Authority initiatives to foster the development of intermodality and the creation of dry ports. The framework proposed is then applied to the case of the Ligurian ports, which compete less as individual structures than as nodal points within integrated logistic chains. We argue that the integration of the land logistic interface may prove beneficial to the Ligurian ports, and that this can be achieved only if the Port Authorities act as cluster managers.
      1286  3274
  • Publication
    The Development of Transport in the Czech Republic
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-02-15)
    Beneš, Libor
    Březina, E.
    Bulìček, J.
    Mojžiš, V.
    Before 1989, transport in the former Czechoslovakia met its tasks based on the controlling principles of planned economy, focused eastwards and oriented on cooperation between the Eastern Bloc countries within COMECOM. Due to the preference for raw material extraction and heavy industry, the transport sector dealt mainly with transporting commodities of these branches with high demands in volume. The planned economic principles were also reflected by the consistent division of transport work with a preference for stack substrate transport by rail. The change of the political and economic circumstances in November 1989 influenced the life and needs of society substantially. A market economy has come, focused on the market of developed European countries and having an impact on the transport sector as such, individual transport systems, transport preferences and transported commodities [2]. As at 1 January 1993, Czechoslovakia has been divided into two independent countries, i.e. the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Therefore the following data from the Transport Statistics of the Czech Republic [1] are comparable starting from 1994. The authors of the article had data available until 2006.
      1074  1946
  • Publication
    The dominance of the Lisbon agreement as a barrier for an environmentally oriented transport policy in Europe; the gap between theory and implementation in policy integration
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Geerlings, Harry
    van der Sluis - van Meijeren, M.
    There is an increasing demand for policy integration in a number of policy areas. This is also the case when it comes to the ambition to realize a sustainable transport system, where seemingly contrasting issues such as economic growth and the related negative effects, increasing emissions for example, have to be brought together. This article deals with the theory of policy integration and reviews selected policy documents at the European level, with the attempt to draw conclusions about the success and inadequacies of actual policies when it comes to policy integration. With two illustrations, one showing the efforts to introduce biofuels and another focusing on the introduction of new and more strict emission standards, the authors present the difficulties that exist. Based on interviews with policy-makers at the European Commission, the authors present empirical evidence of the barriers. This evidence is the basis for an analysis and better understanding of the factors that influence present EU-policymaking in the field of sustainable transport and leads to the conclusion that there is a danger that the Lisbon objective (i.e. “competitive Europe”) prevails on the Gothenburg objective (i.e. “sustainable Europe”) and that this has a negative effect on the implementation of a European sustainable transport policy.
      1125  1098
  • Publication
    Willingness to pay for airline services attributes: evidence from a stated preferences choice game
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    De Menezes, António Gomes
    Vieira, J. C.
    We analyze consumer preferences for airline service attributes between Ponta Delgada and Lisbon: the most important air corridor between the Azores and Mainland Portugal. Owing to stringent regulations, which fall under the European Union Public Service Obligations (PSOs) domain, there are no revealed preferences data suitable to study consumer preferences. Hence, we conduct a stated preferences choice game and estimate a microeconometric model à la McFadden. Our results are statistically significant and imply willingness to pay measures economically high for attributes such as punctuality warranties and comfort. Willingness to pay for additional daily flights is quite low. This result is important to how should the policy maker liberalize this sector.
      1350  5152