Linee guida e casi di studio per la gestione dei siti della Rete Natura 2000 in ambienti di transizione. Atti del workshop di Grado, 7-8 giugno 2006
Editor(s) •
Spoto, Maurizio
Marchesan, Mara
This work includes all contributions presented at the workshop “Management of Natura 2000 sites in transitional environments”, held in Grado from 7 to 9 June 2006, and organized in the framework of the community programme INTERREG III B (2000-2006) CADSES - TWReferenceNET, that deals with the management and substainable development of protected transitional waters. In general terms, the TWRefNET project aims at enhancing the conservation status of transitional ecosystems, meanwhile favouring their integrated management, with the aim of a substainable use and fruition of the territory. The workshop has been organized in order to give an updated overview on the state of the art of management and conservation of Natura 2000 sites in transitional environments. The attention has been especially focused on the exchange of information and knowledge and on the comparison among different methodological and operational approaches. In particular, the following thematic areas have been tackled: (i) integrated management and conflict resolution in Natura 2000 sites, and (ii) management of habitats and species included in the community directives ‘Habitats’ (dir. n. 92/43/CEE) and ‘Birds’ (dir. n. 79/409/CEE). This publication includes both the abstracts of the contributions presented at the workshop, and the extended reports of such contribution, where the participants give a more in-depth and exhaustive description of the topics discussed at the workshop. This work is complementary to the handbook “Guidelines for the management of protected transitional environments”. Indeed, one of the actions of TWRefNET Project is to produce an exhaustive and updated multimedial product, that can be useful both for the ‘experts’ – being protected area managers, naturalists or researchers, and for administrations, organizations, stakeholders and all other entities interested for any reason to the management of transitional environments.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Maurizio Spoto, Mara Marchesan (coordinatori), "Linee guida e casi di studio per la gestione dei siti della Rete Natura 2000 in ambienti di transizione. Atti del workshop di Grado, 7-8 giugno 2006", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007, pp. 456.