2007 / 14 Prospero. Rivista di Letterature Straniere, Comparatistica e Studi Culturali

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Speciale Atti del Convegno Interdisciplinare “Transatlantici e altri bastimenti: transiti, desideri, memorie”

Roberta Gefter Wondrich

Parte I – Dalle leggende alla scena

Marco Piccat
Il motivo della ‘barca senza vele’ e varianti nelle letterature romanze medievali

Odile Malas
"La nef dans la tempête". La leggenda di Helsin tra dogma e realtà politica

Sara Trampuz
La pesca e i discorsi dei pescatori di Petar Hektorović: un’ecloga dalmata cinquecentesca

Sanja Roić
Barca in forma di sonetto

Gianni Ferracuti
La famosa comedia del Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón: una interpretazione critica di Lope de Vega

Gordon Poole
Scalo Marittimo di Raffaele Viviani: il Meridione come problema nazionale

Maria Mitrović
La nave sulla scena teatrale

Parte II – Europa e oltre

Béatrice Didier
Les navires d’Outre-tombe

Tiziana Goruppi
Veicoli di vita e veicoli di morte in Georges di Alexandre Dumas

Luciana Alocco
«rêve, plein de voilures et de mâtures»: vocabolario baudelairiano del viaggio per mare

Anna Zoppellari
Simenon in viaggio dentro l'Africa

Emilia Surmonte
La barque d’Œdipe di Henry Bauchau

Licia Reggiani
Humus di Fabienne Kanor: tuffarsi in mare per ritrovare le proprie radici

Arturo Larcati
Schiffe aus Papier. Zur nautischen Metaphorik im Werk von Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Alessandro Scarsella
La valigia di Karl. Metamorfosi e plagio della nave (note su Kafka, Fellini, Baricco e Spielberg)

Parte III – Dall’impero alla realtà globale

Marianna D'Ezio
Viaggiatrici britanniche verso l’India tra Sette e Ottocento: il viaggio, la nave e il mare come momenti di passaggio

Marilena Parlati
Tracing/Tracking History’s Nightmares. The Wreck of the Batavia as Australian Foundational Myth

Clara Bartocci
Speedwell, Mayflower e Arbella: vascelli verso la Terra Promessa

Cinzia Schiavini
Invisible rivers, evanescent ships: American society and the erasure of space in Herman Melville’s The Confidence Man

Mirella Vallone
Dall’Abruzzo in America: transiti e memorie in Son of Italy di Pascal D’Angelo e Personal Reminiscences di Francesco Ventresca

Sabina D'Alessandro
The Stratheden and the negotiation of the East-West trajectory: identity and migration in Ahdaf Soueif’s Aisha

Michela Gandolfo
La nave come microcosmo dell’attuale realtà globale nelle teorie letterarie della postcolonialità

Note sugli autori


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  • Publication
    Prospero. Rivista di Letterature Straniere, Comparatistica e Studi Culturali.
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007)
      828  8066
  • Publication
    Note sugli autori
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007)
      657  967
  • Publication
    La nave come microcosmo dell’attuale realtà globale nelle teorie letterarie della postcolonialità
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007)
    Gandolfo, Michela
    Derek Walcott wrote that “History is sea”: sailing, as a movement, goes beyond the borders and in the postcolonial narratives the transatlantic is a powerful symbol of the transnational space. The essay wants to analyse the images of the marine world, of the ocean and especially of the ship, the transatlantic as the fundamental and chronotopic figure of the postcolonial theories, particularly in relation to the delineation of a contemporary cultural and global reality as a transnational space in which take shape political and aesthetical expressions that challenge the modern conceptions on nationality, ethnicity and on cultural authenticity. The theories on postcolonialism by Paul Gilroy and Édouard Glissant are here examined. Gilroy considers the ship that moves through the archipelagos as the representation of the instability and the mutability of identities that are in perpetual development, since the ship’s movement is transversal, not linear, and it crosses the “Black Atlantic”, transmitting multicultural, hybrid ideas during its journey. Édouard Glissant is the theorist of the ‘Antillanité’ as the place of choice for the crossing of different cultures in the French-speaking Caribbean, and moves from his vision of the American and Caribbean landscape towards a broader, global identity.
      928  1291
  • Publication
    The Stratheden and the negotiation of the East-West trajectory: identity and migration in Ahdaf Soueif’s "Aisha"
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007)
    D'Alessandro, Sabina
    Ahdaf Soueif is an Anglo-Egyptian writer who spends her time between London and Cairo, finding herself in what Abdul JanMohammed calls ‘border position’ because she is divided between two cultures, what Edward Said referred to as ‘contrapuntual’. The author investigates how people cope with the conflicts between tradition and modernisation, thus contributing to the topical cultural debate on Westernization. Soueif’s Aisha, protagonist of the homonymous collection of short stories, is a girl who has to follow her parents from Cairo to London, and who finds herself switching from Arab to English culture depending on her location, later discovering that this internal conflict shapes her own identity. The essay examines Soueif’s semi-autobiographical short story and the experience of Soueif’s protagonist during her trajectory from the East to the West on the ship Stratheden. Soueif is concerned with how identity can be negotiated on a cross-cultural terrain as exemplified by the ship. She explores what happens when East and West meet, when men and women are involved in a cross-cultural relationship. From a female point of view, migration intersects with many different issues, like social position, gender and even sexuality, and Soueif explores how cross-cultural relationships evolve and how different characters try to reach a balance by carving out a place for themselves. Soueif creates new identities that are “neither soft-edged amalgamation nor slavish mimicry”.
      1091  2936
  • Publication
    Dall’Abruzzo in America: transiti e memorie in "Son of Italy" di Pascal D’Angelo e "Personal Reminiscences" di Francesco Ventresca
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007)
    Vallone, Mirella
    Pascal D’Angelo and Francesco Ventresca were among the many Italians who passed through Ellis Island at the beginning of the 20th Century, and wrote about their experience in the autobiographies "Son of Italy" (1924) and "Personal Reminiscences" (1936). Cynthia Wong underlines that in those same years the phenomenon of ethnic autobiographies began. The ‘autobiographies of Americanisation’ were written by emigrants to reaffirm their identities while showing at the same time the struggle to reconcile the need to preserve one’s heritage with the desire to assimilate into the mainstream American culture. Both authors hail from the village of Introdacqua in Abruzzo, and both follow a linear path in their text: the life before emigration, the travel to America, and the conflict between the life the emigrants hoped for and reality. The essay examines the two narratives by following their similar approaches towards a shared history of loss, voyage, hard work, disillusionment, difficulties, but especially (and differently from other emigrants) of desire to be acknowledged in their openness towards ‘alterity’, trying, as both authors are, to acquire the new language, its poetics and culture. Both autobiographies become then the expression of a real cultural transition and of the capability of their authors to build bridges between different cultures and different versions of themselves.
      1387  953