
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    European Transport / Trasporti Europei (1998) 10/IV
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1998)
      633  802
  • Publication
    Work organisation in freight transport system: European approaches to define structural changes and policy requirements following the introduction of new technology
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1998)
    Naniopoulos, Aristotelis
    The transport market is evolving from a low wage, low skill, and labour intensive sector to becoming a high skill, high technology, and capital intensive one. New technologies are introduced and also new regulations and procedures. The nature of work in the transport field is undergoing a rapid change. The research effort of defining structural changes and the subsequent measures required for promoting positive aspects and avoiding undesirable situations concerning the introduction of new technology on European Union level (particularly in DGVII projects WORKFRET, WORKPORT, THALASSES ACCEPT) is the subject of this paper.
      1536  718
  • Publication
    Il ruolo del porto di Napoli nello sviluppo del traffico merci nel Mediterraneo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1998)
    Montella, Bruno
    The transformations in the maritime transportation of goods at a world scale let us foresee a more articulated role of the Mediterranean, as the final destination both of the goods coming from Northern America and going to Europe and the countries of Northern Africa, and of the transhipment operations directed to South. - Eastern Asia and Central and Southern Africa. The development of a fleet of large carriers for containers, with freights leaving from the ports of North - Eastern America and going to Eastern Europe, to the Mediterranean and the Pacific Ocean, will foster the growth of the Mediterranean ports. In this general panorama the port of Naples too will be able to claim a leading role, because of its favorable geographical location as well as of the expected interventions on the portual infrastructures. Such a role will be paramount, the more so if it will be able to supply "complex services", that exploit the polyhedricity of the activities now present in the Neapolitan portual system at their best. In this viewpoint we are going to examine the logistic chain in which the Neapolitan port may be inserted in the light of the competitions and perspectives of the various ports on the Mediterranean.
      973  648
  • Publication
    Proposta di un servizio marittimo di t.p.l. tra Muggia e Trieste
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1998)
    Strizzolo, Piergiorgio
    The city of Trieste has a peculiar and distinctive character: the fact that it has "the sea in the centre". The position and the conformation of its "Rive " - wich go along the heart of the city - naturally are suitable for local transport services by sea between the centre and the suburb. In this article you can find a preliminary analysis of feasibility for a passenger water transport line between Trieste and Muggia.
      822  803
  • Publication
    Transport (and logistics) development strategy in Slovenia
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1998)
    Trupac, Igor
    The article deals with transport (and logistics) integration of Slovenia with EU. Because of its position Slovenia has good opportunities for transportation activity. Transportation (and logistics) is also of extraordinary importance for economic development and appearance on European and other markets.
      905  706