
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2000) 16/VI
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2000)
      726  730
  • Publication
    Could stoppage of fuel supply from one wing tank andanger stability and control of aircraft?
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2000)
    Radoš, Jerko
    Saucha, Juraj
    Mili, Diana
    The paper deals with the consequences of stoppage of fuel supply from one wing tank for stability and control of aircraft. It is shown that the counterbalancing of the weight of the blocked fuel causes the development of the additional moment about the transverse axis of the aircraft, which changes the loaded index at landing. It is pointed out that the intersection of the changed loaded index at landing and actual landing weight could be displaced out of the operating limits of the aircraft in the balance graph. The question is raised whether the manufacturers have considered the described stoppage in fuel supply when laying down the operating limits, i.e. has the adequate safety reserve been provided.
      1230  672
  • Publication
    Container traffic flow through Gioia Tauro port in the international and italian context
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2000)
    Gattuso, Domenico
    Musolino, Giuseppe
    A general description of container traffic relationships, that involve the European area, constitutes a fundamental element for the evaluation of actual and potential traffic flows through Gioia Tauro hub port. According to many researchers, container traffic volumes via sea concerning the European continent have increased from 11.3 to 15.8 million of TEUs (around 40%) during the period 1991-'96. European traffic travels through two separate port systems: the first one corresponds to the coastal range from Le Havre to Hamburg, known as 'Northern Range'; while the second, denominated 'Southern Range', includes ail Mediterranean ports from Algerians to Piraeus. This paper firstly illustrates the traffic dynamics of container freights in the European context and secondly presents the container traffic flow through the port of Gioia Tauro. The spatial, temporal and modal split of arriving and departing containers to/from Gioia Tauro are considered. Finally, the development perspectives of traffic volumes are outlined, in relation to the forecasted growth of the European port system. Analyses have been conducted during a two-year research project, whose title is: ".Evaluation of the potentialities of the Gioia Tauro intermodal terminal for the development of the Calabrian economy and role of minor Calabrian ports". The research was supported by Calabrian Region Administration (RO.R European Program).
      2199  1813
  • Publication
    Experiment design and logit errors
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2000)
    Cleci Martins de Carvalho, Maria
    Preference surveys report individual choices regarding air alternative choice set. This type of data is paramount to forecast the product/service demand as it makes possible to determine the importance the consumers/users pay to the different product/service characteristics. The data modelling is usually performed through Legit. As a probabilistic model, Legit is based on assumptions about the consumer's behaviour, which might not be real (for instance, the model assumes there is no taste variation among individual). Besides, researchers have been using a linear utility function in order to avoid model complications, even though it is known that the individual' s behaviour in a choice process is not linear. This paper reports literature main research findings on the subject, as well as, the influence of designs in the calibration results. Experiments are conducted using simulation tools. Results showed that, for data holding Legit assumptions, the bigger the distance between the attribute vectors, the better the calibration results from Legit modelling as it reduces the possibility of the optimisation algorithm to get stuck in a fiat region. On the other hand, it is likely that the data could break the homoscedasticity Logit assumption on the error term.
      1540  954
  • Publication
    Potential rationalization of on-street parking on urban roads
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2000)
    Maitra, Bhargab
    Sikdar, P.K.
    Dhingra, S.L.
    The effect of various levels of on-street parking on the operating conditions of traffic stream has been quantified in terms of congestion and level of service. The data obtained from a controlled experiment of on-street parking has been used to model congestion and to estimate level of service characteristics for the traffic flow with zero, low, medium and heavy on-street parking. The quantified congestion at different operating traffic volumes and the corresponding levels of service have been analysed and used as a basis for developing a potential policy for rationalisation of on-street parking on an example urban road.
      1643  1425